Roe Vs. Wade Anniversary Marked 

(Direct descendent of Joseph Stalin)
Associated Press Writer JANUARY 22, 09:56 EST 

WASHINGTON (AP) � Abortion rights supporters are used to battle. But the ground has changed for the 28th anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion.

(For those of you who believe everything the "Free Press" tells you without reservation, it is important to understand that the Supreme Court does not Amend the Constitution or make law.  Having said that, what the left is referring to is a "right to privacy" issue by definition in the Roe Vs. Wade ruling.  To accept this ruling, one must negate the physical existence of the child in the womb and then start from that point and begin the debate.  One of the fundamental "rights" we do have is a "right to life" as outlined in the Declaration of Independence.  What the Supreme Court made legal 28 years ago was the termination of one and a half million lives last year, because had this ruling never happened, those pregnancies would have ended in births... and that is the simple truth. You can close your eyes and wish it to be different, but it is still FACTUALLY the termination of life. - tha malcontent)  

Abortion foes were energized by the changed political landscape and planned to be out in force Monday, marking the Supreme Court ruling with marches and protests. 

Bill Clinton, who helped the cause for keeping abortions legal, is gone from the White House, replaced by anti-abortion President Bush, who has nominated an even more staunch abortion opponent, John Ashcroft, as attorney general. 

White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card served notice Sunday that several key abortion policies would be quickly reviewed by the Bush administration. 

Asked about the recently approved RU-486 abortion pill, Card said, ``We're going to take a look at all of the regulations. We're going to take a look at all the executive orders."

(The same German company that manufactured gas for the chambers that Hitler killed Jews in is the same company that manufactures RU-486, how fitting!  By the way, I am not for 86in' babies... how do you like that play on words!  Are you for eight-sixin' your baby?- tha malcontent)

Another regulation approved by Clinton restored federal funding for some groups that offer abortion counseling overseas. ``That's an important matter,'' press secretary Ari Fleischer said. ``The president does not support using federal funds to promote abortion. 

``Certainly we can't count on the White House now,'' said Patricia Ireland, president of the National Organization for Women. ``And we may not be able to count on the court even now � but for sure if one more nominee gets through that's anything like the Ashcroft model.''

(Good old Pat... she and other feminists have redefined "responsibility" to mean aborting ones child after conception as opposed to NOT GETTING PREGNANT IN THE FIRST PLACE!  If you hold the same view as I do, you are a heartless, racist, sexist... welcome home!  All the DemocRATS have left is name calling, and it's about to run it's course because when it comes to the arena of ideas, DemocRATS are wholly bankrupt and dishonest! - tha malcontent)

As a Republican senator from Missouri, Ashcroft proposed a constitutional amendment that would outlaw nearly all abortions, including in cases of rape and incest. He also opposes most forms of contraception. 

Republicans also control Congress now, and Bush could appoint one or more Supreme Court justices. Just one appointment could tip the balance � with many decisions now being made on 5-4 votes. Any nominee, however, would have to be approved by a Senate divided 50-50 along party lines.

(DemocRATS whining about the rules of the game again!  Seven individuals gave us Roe Vs. Wade... SEVEN fallible, human beings ruled for hundreds of millions!  These are the rules by which we govern ourselves and if Roe Vs. Wade is overturned, we'll see how "respecting" of the "law" the DemocRATS are if that time ever comes! - tha malcontent)

``It's like a shot across the bow � a warning of things to come that could impact long past Bush's term, even if he's a two-term president,'' Ireland said. 

First lady Laura Bush broke from her husband's views last week and said she did not think the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling should be overturned. But that gives little comfort to abortion rights supporters. 

Regardless of what his wife thinks, ``Bush has signaled that he is going to act on his personal convictions that a woman should not have the right to choose,'' said Gloria Feldt, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

(There are three people involved in any abortion, the CHILD first and foremost and then the mother and the father.  It's time we start dealing with the FACTS of this debate and not the emotionally based FALSE perceptions that this ruling came down on! - tha malcontent)

Abortion opponents are more upbeat than they have been in years. They include Norma McCorvey, the ``Jane Roe'' of Roe v. Wade who now runs Dallas-based Roe No More Ministry, a speakers' referral service for the anti-abortion cause.

``I think the majority of pro-lifers are really looking forward to President Bush getting into office,'' McCorvey said. ``I think we all have the same dream: We'd like to see Roe v. Wade overturned.''

(Do you think Dan Rather (D) will do an interview with Mrs. McCorvey tonight on the Evening News?  Something tells me he won't be! - tha malcontent)

Abortion opponents think it's just a matter of time before abortion is outlawed again. ``I think pro-life people � and I think that's a majority in the country � certainly feel better now,'' said David O'Steen, executive director of National Right to Life. 

McCorvey, meanwhile, dismissed Ashcroft's statement at his Senate confirmation hearing that he would not try to make abortion illegal. 

``I would like to think that John didn't really mean that,'' she said.

(It's this type of Newspeak that really angers me.  The Attorney General has NO, I REPEAT NO authority to make law.  The A.G. enforces current law, end of list!  This is the kind of ignoration (yes, I meant to write "ignoration"!) that has been plaguing our country for decades! - tha malcontent)

But neither side is taking anything for granted. 

Monday's marches and other events by abortion opponents were being countered with efforts by abortion rights groups to mobilize their forces against Ashcroft with radio ads and Internet campaigns. 

Americans in general remain split on abortion. An exit poll in the presidential election found more voters favored keeping abortion legal, 55 percent to 42 percent. But only 20 percent thought it should be legal in all cases and 35 percent said it should be legal in most cases.

(According to a recent Zogby poll, 51% of Americans believe that abortion is manslaughter, but believe it should still be legal!  Does anyone see a collective moral problem in these two results?  We have been poisoned with big lies that are veiled in small truths!  We as a people need to start recognizing right and wrong very soon in this country! - tha malcontent) 

Outlawing abortion after nearly three decades won't be easy.

(Nearly three decades of indoctrination through ignoration!  Between the "Free Press", pop culture and the government schools, up is now down... if you believe in your heart it is! - tha malcontent)

The fight isn't solely about Roe v. Wade anymore, said Laura Woliver, a political scientist and associate director of women's studies at the University of South Carolina. Abortion access can be eroded in other ways � through regulation or by giving states more power, she noted. 

As attorney general, Ashcroft would decide how to enforce such laws as the Freedom of Access to Clinics Entrances law that seeks to ensure that patients and employees can come and go safely, Woliver said.

(If I heard the "Free Press" right earlier in this piece of propaganda, the A.G. could write laws, apparently he can only enforce laws, like I said! "Enforcing existing laws", something Janet "Waco" Reno hasn't done in eight years, unless you count the old Nazi laws that advocated the burning of multi-ethnic churches like Waco or killing "enemy's of the state's" wives, execution style, like at Ruby Ridge!  Robin Anderson broke Federal laws when she purchased weapons for a minor in the Columbine tragedy, but no charges were brought against her because she agreed to sing the anti-gun song for the DemocRATS and the "Free Press"!- tha malcontent)

Anti-abortion groups want Bush to repeal some Clinton executive orders. One eliminated the rule barring clinics from discussing abortion if they receive federal funds. Another ended the policy preventing foreign aid from funding abortions or educating people about them.

(How about educating our people here in America about personal responsibility and how NOT to get pregnant in the first place before we run around the world wasting American tax dollars killing foreign babies and teaching their young people how to live irresponsibly in the mold of the almighty Baby-boom! - tha malcontent)

Bush supports tightening standards for doctors administering the newly approved abortion pill RU-486, and has said he would sign legislation banning the late-term abortion procedure critics call ``partial-birth abortion'' that Clinton has vetoed. Bush also opposes federally funded research using stem cells from discarded human embryos.

("critics call "partial birth abortion"?... How about this LIARS, it is FACTUALLY a partial birth abortion!  Again, the "Free Press" and the DemocRATS perpetuate the big lie over and over again until it becomes perceived truth!  The unborn child is partially delivered up to the neck, then an incision is made in the back of the head, a tube is then inserted and the brains are sucked out.  The text book term for this is called "collapsing"!  Does this bother you?  If it does, you can't possibly be pro-abortion!  For those of you who are without soul and call yourselves "pro-choice" because it keeps what's left of your conscience clear, YOU SUPPORT MURDER, DEAL WITH IT AND STOP PERPETUATING THE LIES FOR THE BEAST! You either support abortion, or you do not... come join the rest of us in reality please! - tha malcontent)

� Copyright 2001 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is...
tha malcontent)

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