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Senators Continue Finance Reform 

(Direct descendent of Karl Marx)
Associated Press Writer MARCH 26, 01:41 EST

WASHINGTON (AP) � As senators head into a second week of debate on campaign finance, Sen. John McCain is trying to head off momentum for a rival to his own overhaul plan banning soft money.

(John "The Maverick" McCain is fighting "soft money" with "soft money"!  I think the Senator has something there!  The police should try fighting burglary with burglary, or rape with rape!  If the "Free Press" wasn't trying to gain 100% control of the outlets of information, they would call McCain out for the megalomaniac that he is!  So far, McCain is helping the "Free Press" to their goal and they couldn't be happier!  Good job John! - tha malcontent)

Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., and Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Sunday they liked an alternative that limits, but doesn't ban, soft money.

(I'm surprised that "The Maverick" hasn't scared Trent Slutt into his camp yet! - tha malcontent)

Senators want to reach a compromise on campaign donation regulations by the end of the week. Lott said on CNN's ``Late Edition'' that a proposal ``might have a chance'' only if it increases individual contribution limits. 

While saying he doesn't ``underestimate the difficulty'' of navigating his own proposal through the Senate, McCain, R-Ariz., continued to press for a full ban on soft money � the loosely regulated, unlimited donations that unions, corporations and individuals make to political parties.

(And if Union "soft money" is banned, it will effectively neuter the DemocRATS, so I wouldn't hold my breath on that one John! - tha malcontent)

The bill cosponsored by McCain and Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., does not increase the amount that an individual can contribute to a candidate. 

McCain said the rival measure by Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., which President Bush's administration has encouraged, does not go far enough. ``I think we can beat it back,'' he said.

(McCain is opting for another run against Bush in 2004 and the "Free Press" will be more than willing to get aboard the "Straight Talk Express" once again for another attempt to pick the opposition party's leader!  It won't work this time either "Free Press"!  You were much more successful with the "Third Party" option during a Presidential election like you did when you created Ross Perot as an alternative to Bush for Conservatives, effectively handing William the Liar the reigns with a measly 43% of the vote!  Have I properly thanked you for that yet? - tha malcontent)

``I don't underestimate the difficulty here,'' McCain said on CBS' ``Face The Nation.'' ``We are threatening the system that keeps these people in power. We are threatening incumbency. ... Have no doubt what is at stake here. So you can probably predict more of this kind of hysteria as we come closer to passage."

(John "The Maverick" McCain, "Fighting Rape, with Rape" in 2001! - tha malcontent)

Feingold told NBC's ``Meet The Press'' that ``I hate to say it, because we've been disappointed so many times, but ... I think we're going to win this. I wasn't absolutely sure a week ago, but I'm feeling better now."

(Did Feingold (D), spend some time in the Hanoi Hilton with "The Maverick"?  He sounds almost as delusional!  By the way, I have more respect for Nam Vets than the vast majority of Americans could possibly comprehend!  The truth on McCain is, he's not very popular with Veterans groups because of his anti-Vet stands in Congress!  If you will remember during the primaries, even after all of the badmouthing of Bush by McCain, the Vietnam Veterans Groups sided with Bush!  That should be an eye opener to just what level of Judas this sell out McCain is! - tha malcontent)

Hagel's plan would restrict soft money donations and raise the limits on donations that individuals make directly to candidates. Hagel told NBC's ``Meet The Press'' that his plan is a constitutional one, ``but more importantly, one that will get the signature of the president."

(Ah, the pesky little details like... the POTUS seal of approval!  John, you should be a little less confrontational with the man who's signature you require! - tha malcontent)

After a fairly genial first week of debate, senators signaled that the second week could be more difficult. 

``The real story is going to be this week,'' McConnell, R-Ky., said on ABC's ``This Week,'' adding on CNN that Hagel's bill would address any ``appearance of corruption that concerns people.'' 

Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., countered that the Senate should do better.

(If you thought McCain was interjecting too much emotion, here comes the DemocRATS to show us who are the real experts at emotional tactics!  Step aside John! - tha malcontent)

``Today we're talking about millions and millions of dollars being spent on politics in this country, and people are getting sick of it,'' Dodd told CNN. ``And we need to do something to put the brakes on to slow this down."

(Senator Dodd (D), who are these people that you say are "sick of it"?  Even by the most liberal of standards, the "Free Press" is incapable of creating even a peep out the American people on this subject in their polls!  America does not care about this subject.  Christopher does, because he has a hard time keeping up with his Republican opponents when it comes to fund raising!  Maybe that's what he meant, elected DemocRATS are "sick of it"! - tha malcontent)

McConnell replied: ``We are spending as much on politics as we did on potato chips last year. We are not spending excessive amounts of money on politics.'' 

Federal Election Commission records show Republicans raised about $244 million and Democrats $243 million in soft money during the past two years. Hagel's plan would allow $60,000 in soft money donations from individuals, unions and corporations to national political parties.

(Union money should not come from dues unless it is authorized by the members as to which party it is to go to!  Corporations do not collect dues from their employees and then contribute to one side of the political spectrum!  If they did, the "Free Press" would have already done a dozen specials about how wrong it is!  But not when the Unions do it, that's "Democracy" hard at work! - tha malcontent)

Lott said the ``self-indulgent'' debate on political spending was consuming two weeks ``at a time when the economy is a little shaky ... and we got energy problems and we continue to worry about education in America."

(Trent said something intelligent, apparently on his own, AND the "Free Press" gave it copy!  I am shocked... SHOCKED I tell ya! - tha malcontent)

Meantime, McCain said on CBS that he had ``a cordial relationship'' with Bush and did not expect the president, whom he challenged in the GOP primaries last year, to veto a campaign finance bill.

(That's right John, the President will not veto "a" campaign finance bill, he will sign one that is fair and just, but most of all Constitutional!  Yours will not have the votes to reach his veto pen! - tha malcontent)

``There is always going to be bad blood when there is a tough campaign, but there certainly isn't between me and the president ... People put their heart and soul into a campaign; obviously, it takes some time to get over,'' said McCain. 

Bush also denied any feud with McCain. ``We're friends,' he told reporters. ``We don't agree 100 percent of the time, but we're going to agree a lot of the time."

(This "feud" is a product of a "Free Press" that doesn't stick to it's Constitutional mandate very well!  The "Free Press" is in the "business" of "creating news" not "reporting news"!  That's why tha malcontent is doing what he is doing!  The First Amendment is not about business, or viewer ship!  It is about the Truth.  The "Free Press" knows what the Truth is, and they suppress it daily in the attempt to forward Socialism!  As long as they continue to choose sides, I will be here to counter them for all four of my readers! - tha malcontent)

� Copyright 2001 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is...
tha malcontent)



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