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Locke Criticizes Bush on Water Rules 

(Direct descendent of Joseph Stalin)
Associated Press Writer MARCH 31, 11:44 EST 

WASHINGTON (AP) � President Bush is leading a strategic assault on the environment after he announced plans to rescind a Clinton-era regulation limiting the amount of arsenic allowed in drinking water, a Democratic governor said Saturday.


(The lack of quotation marks around this alleged statement by a DemocRAT Governor bothers me!  This leads the reader to believe that this is not a quote, but an actual fact.  It appeared on the Wire this way so that those who just browse the Wire would have gotten the impression that this was a documented fact instead of the direct quote that it is!  This tactic is old hat for the "Free Press".  Let's see if there is anything resembling objectivity in this story, or will it just be another one sided hatchet job on the Bush Administration brought to you by the "non-partisan" Ministry of Propaganda, the "Free Press"! - tha malcontent)

Washington Gov. Gary Locke said Bush is in the pocket of big business and is taking his cues from the energy industry.


(Don't forget, Bush is in the pocket of BIG OIL too! - tha malcontent)

``It is the wealthy donors and the special interests that helped put him in the White House who want to loosen environmental controls,'' Locke said in the Democrats' weekly radio address. ``As a result, their problems are his problems, and the environmental regulations that are in their way, are in his way too.'"


(Finally some quotation marks!  I was wondering if this wasn't turning into an official "Free Press" opinion piece! - tha malcontent)

The comments were in reaction to Bush's announcement this week that he will pursue a reduction in the amount of arsenic allowed in drinking water, but not before more scientific studies indicate where the level should be set.


(Bush wants to poison black babies in Florida who's parents did not vote for him, then drag their dead carcasses behind an old Texas truck just like the NAACP said!  I knew it!  The Bush family are a bunch of racists! - tha malcontent)

The current standard, set in 1942, allows a maximum of 50 parts per billion. Last year, the Environmental Protection Agency recommended reducing that to 5 parts per billion as demanded by many environmentalists, but President Clinton directed that the standard be set at 10 parts per billion.


(Environmentalists "demand" a lot of things just like toddlers do, that doesn't mean you give into their ignorant demands!  Thank God we don't give them the reigns of Government!  We would collapse as a nation within five years! - tha malcontent)

The Bush administration says it will withdraw the Clinton standard, which would have taken effect later this year.


(Pitting one President against the other!  Maybe the "Free Press" can have a fire side chat with Clinton and get his opinion on this! - tha malcontent)

Health and environmental groups have been campaigning since 1996 to reduce the standard. The EPA acted as part of a court settlement after the National Academy of Sciences found in 1999 that arsenic in drinking water can cause bladder, lung and skin cancer, and might cause liver and kidney cancer.


(One side of the debate, and I am sure we will not be blessed with the other side before this propaganda comes to a close! - tha malcontent)

Locke said Bush's action is just the latest in his ``anti-environmental initiatives."


(Are we going to hear from Bush "Free Press"?, or is this just going to be the new way from here on out?  "The Associated Press, the Voice of the DemocRAT Party", should be your new slogan!  By the way "Free Press", it's DemocRAT Governor, not DemocRATic Governor!  This little change in moniker happened a few years ago along with the constant references to America as a Democracy and DemocRATic, which we are NOT!  We are a Representative Republic, end of list! - tha malcontent)

``On the campaign trail, then-Governor Bush promised that he would place limits on the level of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere,'' Locke said. ``Right after he got into the White House, though, that pledge went out the window."


(This is one DemocRATS opinion "Free Press", and as I see the last paragraph coming, it doesn't appear that the "other side" is going to have a "fair chance" as Madison put it! [The Foundation] Another fine example of the lack of "freedom from influence" that our "Free Press" has become plagued with! - tha malcontent)

``Two days later, the president announced that he thought our national parks, such as Yellowstone and Yosemite, have great potential for oil drilling,'' the governor said. ``We urge the president in the strongest terms to protect our environment."


(This dolt can't even get his rhetoric right!  It's the Artic National Wildlife Refuge you idiot!  Did you even read your talking points before doing this radio address?  Without guidance from the bully pulpit, DemocRATS are an unorganized group of ignorant guilty whiny white liberals!  It's entertaining to watch them collapse in front of "the people" like this!  It would just be nice to have an OBJECTIVE outlet of information so that all of "the people" could be aware of the collapse! - tha malcontent)

� Copyright 2001 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is...
tha malcontent)



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