�  Reagan Vs. Bush (43)

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Subj: Reagan signed those Liberal spending bills...
Date: 3/3/01 3:01:59 PM Mountain Standard Time
From: Turkey12yr

I am disappointed to read the needless criticisms of Bush (43) and his speech to Congress the other night on the part of

The former DemocRAT turned New Federalism RepublicRAT Ronald Reagan signed the massive spending bills sent to him by the DemocRATS in Congress along with his own tax cut and military spending increases. These two things caused the deficits that America is now burdened with and to deny Reagan's role in this is to dilute yourselves and forward an inaccurate portrait of history.

What Bush (43) is doing is not much different from what Reagan did except that he is proposing a cut in spending increases on the Federal level from 8% to 4% compared with last years numbers. I agree with that we should be moving to reverse the Socialism that has infected this great Republic over the last five decades but I disagree that tripping Bush (43) up along the way is the best answer to reverse the Socialist ills in America. would be wise to leave inconsistent criticism to those who do it best and do it often enough already, the "Free Press". Your added jabs and nitpicking at Bush (43) and his speech only combine with the criticism of the "Free Press" to undermine an already volatile situation. Bush is doing very well for having come out of that election with "no mandate" according to the "Free Press". He has spineless RepublicRATS like Trent Slut in Congress who are not capable of articulating anything Conservative or even acting as if they are in control of this Government for the first time in five decades.

I am not a Conservative who believes there is morality in loosing. The reality in American politics today cannot be ignored by Conservatives. We must take wins where we can and leave the criticism of fellow Conservatives to the "Free Press"! Bush (43) may not be the Conservative you and I want him to be, but if he was, he probably wouldn't have been elected and we would be dealing with Algore-ligula Caesar right now.

Let Bush (43) win a few small victories on his way to winning bigger ones. If we abuse the control we have now, it may be another five decades before we get it back... and by that time, it will be to late to save this great Republic from the DemocRATS!


tha malcontent

And the repsonse...

Subj: Re: Reagan signed those Liberal spending bills...
Date: 3/5/01 6:41:43 AM Mountain Standard Time
From: (Publius)

Excellent points indeed! Thanks for your comment.

The Federalist Editorial Board wrote:

> I am disappointed to read the needless criticisms of Bush (43) and his speech
> to Congress the other night on the part of
> The former DemocRAT turned New Federalism RepublicRAT Ronald Reagan signed
> the massive spending bills sent to him by the DemocRATS in Congress along
> with his own tax cut and military spending increases. These two things
> caused the deficits that America is now burdened with and to deny Reagan's
> role in this is to dilute yourselves and forward an inaccurate portrait of
> history.
> What Bush (43) is doing is not much different from what Reagan did except
> that he is proposing a cut in spending increases on the Federal level from 8%
> to 4% compared with last years numbers. I agree with that we
> should be moving to reverse the Socialism that has infected this great
> Republic over the last five decades but I disagree that tripping Bush (43) up
> along the way is the best answer to reverse the Socialist ills in America.
> would be wise to leave inconsistent criticism to those who do
> it best and do it often enough already, the "Free Press". Your added jabs
> and nitpicking at Bush (43) and his speech only combine with the criticism of
> the "Free Press" to undermine an already volatile situation. Bush is doing
> very well for having come out of that election with "no mandate" according to
> the "Free Press". He has spineless RepublicRATS like Trent Slut in Congress
> who are not capable of articulating anything Conservative or even acting as
> if they are in control of this Government for the first time in five decades.
> I am not a Conservative who believes there is morality in loosing. The
> reality in American politics today cannot be ignored by Conservatives. We
> must take wins where we can and leave the criticism of fellow Conservatives
> to the "Free Press"! Bush (43) may not be the Conservative you and I want
> him to be, but if he was, he probably wouldn't have been elected and we would
> be dealing with Algore-ligula Caesar right now.
> Let Bush (43) win a few small victories on his way to winning bigger ones.
> If we abuse the control we have now, it may be another five decades before we
> get it back... and by that time, it will be to late to save this great
> Republic from the DemocRATS!
> peace,
> tha malcontent


Veritas Vos Liberabit <�)))><

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to
dissolve the political bands which have connected is their right, it
is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their
future security." --Declaration of Independence ++ "The tree of liberty must
be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. ...
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God." --Thomas Jefferson ++ "If you love
wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude better than the
animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels
or arms. May your chains set lightly upon you and may posterity forget that ye
were our countrymen." --Samuel Adams ++ "Almighty God, I know not what course
others may take, but give me liberty or give me death!" -- Patrick Henry



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Si vis pacem Para Bellum'

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