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a Never Nuanced rant 07.12.2005



�Outed� by Rove


By Never Nuanced (Direct Descendent of the Founding Fathers! - tha malcontent)
Political Writer July 12, 3:05 ET

(ap) - Our liberal friends are up in arms over the �outing� of Valerie Plame; as a few beltway members actually didn�t know who she was.  As the spittle hangs from their chins, they run from one person to another, convinced they have FINALLY got a Bush official.  Well folks, I�m here to tell you, Rove did indeed �out� someone.  He �outed� Joe Wilson as the liar he is.

In a conversation with TIME reporter Matt Cooper, Rove advised Cooper to steer clear from making the claim Wilson was sent to Niger at the behest of either Tenet or Cheney.  Joe Wilson was sent after being pushed for the assignment by his wife, who remained; unnamed in the Rove conversation with Cooper.

Joe Wilson denied his wife played a role in his assignment. In fact it was not until the Senate Select Intelligence Committee stumbled across the memo identifying Plame as the individual recommending husband Joe go to Africa.

The left and the truth have long since parted company, this is about "getting Bush" and Rove is red meat.  There is no reasonable way in which to frame the conversation Rove had with Cooper as �outing� Plame.  We�ll see in the end how far this will go, but if yesterday�s White House news conference was any indicator, the media will dutifully play their part, ignoring facts; in favor of "get Bush" reporting.

Never Nuanced...

(All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent or ap/afp Writers and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! is: tha malcontent/Editor in Chief/Political Writer - thebug/Political Writer - Kronic Freedom/Political Writer - Never Nuanced/Political Writer-  tha malcontent)


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