Happy B-day B.o.R.

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15 Dec 2000

Fellow Federalists,

Today is the "birth date" of this great Republic's Bill of Rights. When penning the first ten Amendments to the Constitution back in 1791, Madison was not telling us what our rights were or giving our rights to us, he was simply recognizing our God-given "natural" rights and making them part of our Republican system of government in law.

On this historical day I would like to give ink, or electrical current, to the first two Amendments. The first being your right as a citizen for redress of grievance against your elected officials through "free speech" and utilizing the people's "free press" for this purpose. 

Our goal with the new government in the year 2001 should be emphasizing what the original intent via the Federalist Papers was in regard to "free speech" and our "free press" and putting to bed the ideas of the left that "free speech" is pornography, burning the flag or dropping a crucifix in a vat of urine using tax payer funds through the National Endowment for the Arts.

"Free speech" refers to "political" speech, not "perverted" speech.

The Second, and most important Amendment in my opinion, is the Second Amendment itself. Without the ability for a free people to protect themselves from the encroachments of the government, all of the Freedoms and Liberty's we enjoy are unenforceable by the people and tyranny will surely ensue.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of THE PEOPLE to KEEP and BEAR Arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". - James Madison and the Second Amendment to the Constitution.

Don't ever let a DemocRAT lie to you and tell you that the founders meant the State Guard when referring to the "militia". If you are 18 to 45 and male, by state and federal code, you are inherently a militia member. A militia member is a citizen who has a responsibility to the State to be armed and well regulated in the event that the current system of government "becomes destructive of it's own ends" and needs to be "altered or abolished" and new government needs be "reinstituted", to paraphrase the Declaration of Independence.

Take time out today to realize what you have as a citizen in this great Republic and that the price of Freedom is sometimes life. Keeping that fresh in one's mind at all times will make us a more free and secure people.

"The tree of liberty must be watered periodically with the blood of tyrants and patriots alike. ...Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God." - Thomas Jefferson


tha malcontent
get both sides of the story @

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 "what have you done for Liberty today?"� is protected speech pursuant to the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and is faithfully enforced by tha malcontent via the Second Amendment to that same Constitution. Any reproduction or redistribution of this article will be seen as an awakening of a Patriot in this Great Republic by tha malcontent, and subsequently applauded! (copyrightwing 2001)

Si vis pacem Para Bellum'

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