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Conservative Texas Rep.
Hall Joins GOP
descendent of Karl Marx!
- tha malcontent)
Associated Press Writer
Jan 3, 10:22 AM EST
AUSTIN, Texas (AP)
� After nearly a quarter-century as one of the most conservative Democrats in
Congress, Texas Rep. Ralph Hall switched parties to become a Republican and said
he expects support from the White House.
(ap) - Can you say,
229 REPUBLICans, 204 DemocRATS, 1 (i)ndependent, and 1 Vacancy? Thank you
Representative Hall, you have just made the House of Representatives a better
place. Don't forget, a sitting President's Party retook the Senate in
2002, from a Jimmy Jammy Jeffords (i) Theft just after Vermont Elected a
Republican in 2000! Can you say 51 REPUBLICans, 49 DemocRATS and 1 (i)dependent?
But wait, there's more!... 28 of this nation's 50 States, including California,
Texas, Florida and New York, are all in the (R) today. And there are an
unfortunate number of (D) seats up for battle in 2004... - tha malcontent)
But check this little nugget out...
AP: Glance at Party
Switches in Congress
By The Associated Press
Jan 2, 8:28 PM EST
Members of Congress who have changed political parties since the 1950s:
Democrats to the GOP:
Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell of Colorado, 1995.
Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, 1994.
Sen. Phil Gramm of Texas, 1983. He joined the GOP while in the House, was
re-elected to the House, then elected to the Senate.
Sen. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina, 1964.
Rep. Ralph Hall of Texas, 2004.
Rep. Virgil Goode of Virginia, 2000. He first became an independent, later
became a Republican.
Rep. Nathan Deal of Georgia, 1995.
Rep. Greg Laughlin of Texas, 1995. He lost in GOP primary in the following
Rep. Billy Tauzin of Louisiana, 1995.
Rep. Mike Parker of Mississippi, 1995,
Rep. Jimmy Hayes of Louisiana, 1995. In the next election, he lost a bid for the
Rep. Tommy Robinson of Arkansas, 1989.
Rep. Bill Grant of Florida, 1989. He was not re-elected in 1990.
Rep. Andy Ireland of Florida, 1984.
Rep. Eugene Atkinson of Pennsylvania, 1981. He was not re-elected in 1982.
Democrat to Independent:
Sen. Harry Byrd Jr. of Virginia, 1971.
Republican to Democrat:
Rep. Michael Forbes of New York, 1999. He was not re-elected in 2000.
Republican to Independent:
Sen. Jim Jeffords of Vermont, 2001.
Sen. Wayne Morse of Oregon, 1952. Became a Democrat in 1955.
Switch back:
Sen. Bob Smith of New Hampshire, became independent in 1999 during a failed run
for the presidency, then returned to the Republican Party.
(It does not seem that many
REPUBLICans want to jump ship... At least as compared with DemocRATS! A 15
to 1 ratio... I wonder why? - tha malcontent)
Sources: Senate Library,
Associated Press reports.
� Copyright 2004 The Associated Press. All
rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or
(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is...
All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is
based in the Truth. No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists,
Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise!
- tha malcontent)