� in association with the Liberty Project� presents |� 07 Jan 2005 |
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ap /� Vs. �
December Hiring Helps Fuel Job
(ap) - Call me crazy, but I
watched the media last year, including the AP, even though I was getting bored
with commenting on the Redundant Regurgitation of DNC Propaganda, and did not
post as much as I have in past years, but I did watch, and I heard the media
Parrot the DemocRAT Party with Idiocy such as "the worst economy since Herbert
Hoover"... I am an Honest, Thinking person, so I knew the level of TRIPE that
this was, but for them now to begrudgingly admit that 2004 was better regarding
jobs than Clinton's final full year in Office, 2000, is the height of Dishonesty
in light of the Fact that there was almost NO positive news about Bush (43) last
fall. To the Contrary, Dan Rather was caught by my Children in the Blogosphere
fronting Obviously Forged documents regarding Bush (43)'s Service to our Country
in the Air National Guard, while simultaneously Ignoring or even going so far as
to personally Attack the SwiftBoat Veterans who were made up of Decorated
Officers/Equals to Kerry who Served and Bunked with him. I would never have
guessed that the media's Arrogance, led by Dan Rather (D), would have produced
such an Obvious campaign Against the Party that they do not Vote for, but it
did, and in the end, the GOP regained the White House with more than 50% of the
Popular Vote for the first time in almost 20 years, and the GOP gained in the
House and Senate again. Of course the November results have not Humbled the
DemocRATS, as was Illustrated yesterday by the Petulant Children in their Party
who decided to Abuse the Constitution and Protest the Legitimate Electoral Votes
for Bush (43) from a state he won 51-48%.. Ohio. If the DemocRATS keep this up,
after 2006 and 2008, my Party may get 60 Votes in the Senate. Need any more
rope, kids! - tha malcontent)
(This little Factoid was at
the back of every news break I heard this morning, in favor of the opening, "Job
creation was lower than many Economists expected."... I wonder why! I would
normally give credit to the AP for this opening tone, but it was missing last
fall when this same information was reflected, and the Fact that the AP did not
find this story worthy of the Main Wire with prominence... So **** 'em! - tha
(Yes, but the Job Recovery
began in July of 2003, and has not stopped since! Inflation is better than
during Clinton... Interest Rates are better... The Stock Market... Terrorist
Attacks against us outside of the Battlefield we have set up for that War, are
less. If Bush (43) was a DemocRAT, the tone I display would be the tone of the
AP! - tha malcontent)
("Wow" is not the standard,
AP! Boom times as we saw in the 90's are not the standard either, nor are they
even possible on a Consistent basis! I don't remember the AP talking down the
Economy in 2000, Clinton's final full year in Office, as they did last year to
Bush (43), when in Fact, every aspect of the Economy was better in 2004 than in
2000... Only a Dishonest DemocRAT can deny the Bias in this regard! - tha
(How about this... Greenspan
on the 90's Boom: "Irrational Exuberance". What we are experiencing now is a
Maintainable, Rational economic growth pattern, that is better than 2000, but is
painted as the Great Depression by the DemocRATS "Free Press" in an continued
attempt to harm the President they did not Vote for. Fact: Clinton neither
created the longest expansion in US History, nor did he maintain it... Anyone
who can prove that Assertion wrong gets a steak dinner on me. - tha malcontent)
(2004 was NOT a "weak performance" using the standards of how 2000 was painted by the DemocRATS and this very institution, the AP, almost exactly 4 years ago on the 12th of January...
From 01.12.2001... "Clinton, in his eighth economic report said: ``We are enjoying the longest economic expansion ever recorded, with more than 22 million jobs created since 1993, the lowest unemployment rate in 30 years." He used the 402-page report, which was to be
formally sent to Congress on Friday, to burnish his economic legacy, providing a
detailed account of the gains the country has made during his administration. ...Can you imagine the AP Parroting Bush (43)'s outlook on the Economy as they so Obviously did, front and center on the Main Wire back in 2001? But that's not the best part, their tone changed within days to "Recession"... Of course, AFTER Bush (43) took the Oath on the 20th of January, that is... From 01.31.2001: Economy: Weakest Growth in 5
Years ...Now tell me, how did things change so drastically from January 12th to the 31st in 2001?... Could it be that Bush (43) took the Oath on the 20th, and the "Free Press" could use Against Bush (43), what they Ignored during Clinton days earlier?... Of course that's what happened, and the same people are now acting as if they told the Voters how good it really was last fall, when in Fact, it was the exact opposite regarding their Coverage! It was, "the worst economy since Herbert Hoover."... Bias Illustrated. - tha malcontent) But ultimately, the economy wasn't enough of a concern to deny Bush a second term. (But ultimately, the "Free
Press" has lost the Monopoly on Information that it once enjoyed, and was again
incapable of beating the Party they don't Vote for with Abjectly Biased news
coverage on a day to day! - tha malcontent) (Again, the best of times
is not the standard! This growth is not "Irrational", as the dotcom Economy
was. Clinton had the good fortune of being POTUS during it, that's all.
When one of you Capable DemocRATS thinks you have the 411, let me know what
Clinton's "Policy" was... I will pay you money to do so! - tha malcontent) ("Especially
education"?... Who would have known! I thought W. Hated Educating Children!!...
- tha malcontent) (It was 5.6% for Clinton
in 1996... It was Perfect according to the "Free Press" then, but it's "Hoovers
Economy" now! By the way, there was over 20% unemployment under Hoover... 10%
under Carter, just in case you did not know. Also, the current unemployment
rate is better than the average for the 1990's. - tha malcontent) (After reading this, I
just can't seem to grasp the Left's claim that Bush (43) has "destroyed the
economy"... It must just be me! - tha malcontent)
(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth. No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! - tha malcontent)
Don't do what you're polled to do!� |
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