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AP Poll: Americans Ambivalent About Bush

By WILL LESTER (Direct descendent of Karl Marx! - tha malcontent)
Associated Press Writer Jan 8, 10:02 PM EST

AP) � The American public is deeply ambivalent about President Bush as he begins his second term and his approval rating is lower than any recent two-term presidents, a troubling sign for his ambitious agenda, an Associated Press poll found.


(ap) - Let me get this straight, Clinton goes from 43% to 49% in Actual Votes of Americans from 1992 to 1996, while Bush (43) has 51% in 2004 and the most Votes of any President in History, along with 2 Congressional Election wins in a row, but just a month or two later, Bush (43)'s "approval rating" is less than Clinton's at the same time?... Gee, is this yet another example of the "Free Press" polling for an outcome that they want, as opposed to what is?  They polled incorrectly in 2002 when they said the DemocRATS would keep the Stolen Senate and gain seats, and retake the House... The DemocRATS lost in both instances.  Then again in 2004, the "Free Press" did everything they could from Ignoring Kerry's fellow Officers who Served and Bunked with him in Vietnam, to creating hit pieces Against Bush (43)'s Service using Lying and Biased Sources and Obviously Forged documents, and still, the REPUBLICans gained in the House and Senate, and of course, Bush (43) defied the polls and was re-elected with more Votes than any other President has ever received.  But the AP is apparently hell bent on telling itself, and the American people, that what has happened, and continues to happen, is not really happening.  Maybe you guys should spend some time inside the country with the Majority, and less time on the Coasts feeding each other's Egos and associating with only people who agree with your Agenda... Just a thought! - tha malcontent)

Bush's approval rating is at 49 percent in the AP poll with 49 percent disapproving. His job approval is in the high 40s in several other recent polls - as low as any job approval rating for a re-elected president at the start of the second term in more than 50 years.


(I feel unnecessary Redundancy coming... The AP loves to reaffirm what it believes with it's own Poll results, and that's Cute! - tha malcontent)

Presidents Reagan and Clinton had job approval ratings near six in 10 just before their inauguration for a second term, according to Gallup polls.


(And yet Clinton only Actually received 49% of the Vote two months earlier?... Curious.  Reagan's numbers actually reflected how people felt in the Voting booth.  This reminds me of TIME's take on Clinton's 43% "win" in 1992 when 57% of Americans Vote AGAINST him... "A Mandate for Change", is what TIME ran on the cover with Billy's mug... Gee, are these guys in the media cheerleading for one side, or is it me? - tha malcontent)

President Nixon's approval was in the 60s right after his 1972 re-election, slid to about 50 percent right before his inauguration and then moved back over 60 percent. President Eisenhower's job approval was in the low 70s just before his second inauguration in 1957.


(The only "Poll" that matters is the one that Elects! This year, that poll was 51-48% in Favor of Bush (43), Against the media's best efforts!... Have a nice day! - tha malcontent)

Bush and Congress are about to tackle ambitious projects - creating private accounts for those in the Social Security system, overhauling the federal tax code and limiting lawsuit damages. Those tasks will be all the more difficult with the tepid poll ratings for both Bush and Congress.


(Does the AP really believe, after 4 years of Bush (43), who lost the meaningless "Popular Vote" in 2000, that he cares one ounce about the AP's polling data when considering his Policy plans?... Delusional. - tha malcontent)

About four in 10, 41 percent, approve of the job Congress is doing, while 53 percent disapprove, according to the poll conducted for the AP by Ipsos Public Affairs.


(I will bet a thousand kicks in the ass that 1 in 10 Americans can't name the House and Senate Leaders... Americans have NO idea what the Congress is doing, and don't really care... And by the way, that's Sad! - tha malcontent)

The nation's sharply partisan split is responsible for Bush's job ratings.


(And the "Free Press" and their Party, the DemocRAT Party, are Responsible for the "sharply partisan split" in this Nation! - tha malcontent)

Republicans overwhelmingly approve of Bush's job performance and Democrats overwhelmingly disapprove - a split found to a lesser extent in the congressional numbers.


(I will bet another thousand kicks in the ass that 1 out of 10 Americans can't name their Senator or Congressman. - tha malcontent)

Only one in six Democrats say they approve of Bush's job performance, the poll found. In January 2002, six in 10 Democrats approved of the job done by Bush, contributing to an overall job approval rating near 80 percent four months after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. In January of last year, about one-quarter of Democrats approved of the job done by Bush.


(DemocRATS were still cleaning out thay panties post the 11th, and of course, Emotion drives the Left, so that was a low point for them Politically... Needing Sheriff Bush (43) to protect them and all... Let's not focus on that, mmmkay! - tha malcontent)

Rick Dickinson, a cabinet maker from Charlottesville, Va., and a Democrat, said he liked what he saw from Bush after the terrorist attacks, but those feelings have faded.


(Memo to the AP: No matter what you tell us about YOUR Poll, Bush (43) increased his percentage of Actual Votes, and his Party gained in both Houses.  But if this is Therapeutic for you guys, go right ahead! - tha malcontent)

"I thought he did generally well after 9/11. He was decisive and he had some great momentum," Dickinson said. "But now I basically disapprove of him. The war troubles me. He picks a plan - regardless of the information - and he goes with it."


(And Mr. Dick-in-son Parrots the DNC Talking Points that the AP Parrots for the DNC very well! - tha malcontent)

Bush has intense support from Republicans, which has kept him on an even keel or above for months. More than nine in 10 Republicans said they approve of Bush's job performance.


(...As the AP laments their inability to turn the GOP Against Bush (43), as they did by propping Perot up in 1992 Against his Father!  Notice how the "Free Press" Marginalized Nader this year after he cost them the Election in 2000?... Yep, it was Deliberate. - tha malcontent)

"I very strongly support what he's been doing," said Cheryl McGauvran, a teacher in a Christian school who says she lives in the desert southeast of Los Angeles. "If we had somebody in office who waffled we would be in trouble. It's almost better to be wrong and then correct it, than to vacillate and be stomped."


(Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!... I got a chill when Cheryl said "vacillate and be stomped"!  Only 1 out of 10 DemocRAT Voters can define, "vacillate".  My favorite is the Obvious stereotype that the AP hunted down for the Bush (43) supporters... "A teacher in a Christian school".  Divide and Conquer doesn't work any longer, AP... Get the message! - tha malcontent)

People were evenly divided on Bush's handling of the economy. They take a dim view of his handling of Iraq, with 44 percent approving and 54 percent disapproving, according to the poll of 1,001 adults. It was taken Jan. 3-5 and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.


(The Economy is Factually better now, than when Clinton was reelected in 1996, and 60+ percent of Americans supported his handling of the Economy then... Another example of the AP polling what they want to hear, not what is! - tha malcontent)

Even on Bush's strongest area, handling foreign policy and the war on terrorism, people were evenly split - with 50 percent approving and 48 percent disapproving.


(Let it out, AP... Get it all out now! - tha malcontent)

For much of the last year, the public has been fairly evenly divided on Bush's job approval. He was still able to win about 60 million votes - a record number but just 51 percent of votes cast - at a time most people thought the country was headed down the wrong track.


(Memo to the AP: CLINTON NEVER GOT 50% OF THE POPULAR VOTE!  Note the "Free Press" attitude about Bush (43)'s 51% with the "just 51 percent" comment, but when Clinton had 57% of Americans Voting AGAINST him in 1992, TIME saw that as, "A Mandate for Change"!... Again, Bias Illustrated. - tha malcontent)

Bush's willingness to pursue policies even if unpopular is appealing to some voters.


(And this "appeal" Confuses and Angers many on the Left, including the AP! - tha malcontent)

Gene Kuterboch, a state worker who lives in Stowe, Pa., says he's been a Democrat all his life, but he voted for Bush this time because Democrat John Kerry "seemed to be following the polls."


("Seemed to be following the polls."... Mull that over in your Closed little minds AP.  This one has obviously slipped off of your Plantation, and there will only be more to follow if you continue to deny Reality! - tha malcontent)

"I voted for President Bush because I think he took a stand after what went on with the terrorist attacks," Kuterboch said. "We need a leader."


(Yes, we need Leadership, not Focus Groups and endless circular Debate or Appeasement of those who want to Kill us.  Anyway, thank God this story is over, it was getting hard for me to continue.  At least it ended on a Positive note! - tha malcontent)


On the Net:

Ipsos Public Affairs:


� Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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