� in association with the Liberty Project� presents |� 9 Jan 2004 |
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ap /� Vs. �
descendent of Joseph Stalin!
- tha malcontent)
(ap) - I just wanted to give you a
heads-up on what the "Free Press" is planning in the next couple of days or
weeks, depending on how lucky/Skilled our Troops in the field are, or, how lucky
the Hopes of the "Free Press"/Left are!... The Truth is, even if we had lost
60,000 men taking Iraq, 2,000 more than we did wasting our time in Vietnam, it
would still have been the most effective taking of a country of 26,000,000, by a
Force of 150,000, that our World has ever seen. Did you know that we lost
over 10,000 Soldiers in Vietnam due to non-Combat Deaths?.... Did I
mention, that the 500 Soldiers who have Died that we are discussing, in regard
to Iraq II, include those who have spent the last 9 months rebuilding this
Country, and nearly half of which have died in non-Combat accidents?...
The Left's complaining about this is so painfully Transparent, that it insults
every single person who has ever taken the Oath and Served this Country.
There is not a Soldier Alive, or who has Past, who would not be proud of what
our Great Men and Women have accomplished in Iraq II, not only for the World, or
the United States, but for the Millions of Iraqis who have been Oppressed, and
the Hundreds of Thousands who have been Murdered.... Anyway. - tha malcontent)
(Keep in mind, we only repelled one
Country out of another in Iraq I... And we lost 385 compared to the nearly 500
we have lost taking and controlling said Country... You do the math. - tha
("Less than a third of them"...
Gee, do I smell an Agenda here? - tha malcontent)
(Is the AP badmouthing the Spanish?
- tha malcontent)
(My understanding is, that we lost
over 400,000 in WWII... Someone correct me, or the AP, if I have my Facts
incorrect! - tha malcontent)
(And in the tone of the American
Left today... "How did Vietnam pose a direct Threat to us"? Then one has
to ask, what was JFK (D) and LBJ (D) thinking when they started, and then
escalated that War? - tha malcontent)
(Well, that is, at least until the most SELFISH
Generation in the History of Mankind came into Power!... Yes, I am talking to
you, Babyboomers! - tha malcontent)
(Correction, "CLINTON Aborted the
United States participation", and then ignored Rwanda and the nearly 500,000
Humans who were Slaughtered there, only to go after Slobo, and produce no larger
than 500 bodies in any given "mass grave"... Do I sound cynical? - tha
(Yes, and the Former Hood Ornament
gave BLANKET AMNESTY to Illegal Aliens, something that the Blind and Ignorant in
my Party seem to forget, as of late! - tha malcontent)
("Chances of Success"?... PAH-LEEEEEEEEEEEASE.
A handful of jerk-off Islamists in a Country of 26,000,000 people, are not about
to reverse this course, regardless of what the "Free Press" wants this November!
- tha malcontent)
(It also introduced us to
THREE-HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FIVE deaths in action, that we hadn't seen since the
58,000 that we Lost in Vietnam nearly 2 decades earlier! Does the Left
actually listen to themselves, or are they actually that caught up in their own
Shite? - tha malcontent)
(Or the THREE-HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FIVE deaths in action, that we hadn't seen since the 58.000 that we Lost in Vietnam nearly 2 decades earlier!... Are you starting to get the Bias yet? - tha malcontent)
To a generation reared without memories of the close-quarter savagery of Vietnam, Korea and other distant battlefields of half-forgotten conflicts, war appeared to have been sanitized to a life-and-death computer game where the winner had the best gadgets.
(Am I the only one who wants to slap the Author of
this TRIPE?... - tha malcontent)
(The Left used to call this type of
"Combat", Cowardly... I wonder why they feel so good about it in this
instance?... Oh yeah, it was their boy. - tha malcontent)
(Don't worry, we will turn the
Death over to the Iraqis soon enough, and the "Free Press" can either chose to, or they can harp on the "hell" we have Left them with. If they
were not so busy harping on Iraq II, that is exactly what they would be doing in
regard to Afghanistan... This is turning out to be one hell of an Election
cycle, eh? - tha malcontent)
Don't do what you're polled to do!� |
This web site is designed, maintained and edited by tha malcontent...
"what have you done for Liberty today?"� is protected speech pursuant to the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and is faithfully enforced by tha malcontent via the Second Amendment to that same Constitution. Any reproduction or redistribution of this article will be seen as an awakening of a Patriot in this Great Republic by tha malcontent, and subsequently applauded! (copyrightwing 2000-2004)�
an americanfreepress� organization 2000-2004
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