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Abortion Supporters, Critics Set to March 

(Direct descendent of Joseph Stalin! - tha malcontent)
Associated Press Writer JANUARY 22, 06:48 ET 

AP) � Clashing opinions on abortion are being heard loud and clear in the nation's capital as thousands of people mark the 30th anniversary of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion.


(ap) - AP: "Demonstrators Rally Against Iraq War"... That's funny, the pro-War demonstrators were not allowed to share the AP headlines as the pro-Abortion activists are in this AP story.  I'm curious, where was the pre-Anti-Abortion protest coverage on all the major networks and the Wire services?  There was almost unlimited coverage of Anti-War-in-Iraq-II even days before the protests.  Something tells me that post-protest coverage tomorrow will not happen as it did for the Anti-War protesters either... I wonder why?  What would motivate those in control of the news, primarily the headline maker, the Associated Press, to not pump up these protestors, but they pumped up the Anti-War protestors and gave them plenty of notice about the upcoming rallies?  Could it be that they themselves were once Anti-War protesters of Kennedy and Johnson's Vietnam War who they now lay the blame at the feet of Nixon for?  Could it be that that 85 to 90 percent of these "journalists" vote DemocRAT every other November?  Or could it be that they themselves, back before they were "journalists" and editors at these news agencies, actually worked to legalize Abortion on demand?  Common sense leads any honest person to conclude that all of these things are true.  As far as the main WEAK argument that Abortion is a Mother's "Choice" protected by a Supreme Court created "Right to Privacy" which does NOT exist in words anywhere in the Constitution or the 27 Amendments, this argument is as WEAK as Dredd-Scott.  This simpleminded argument is DEFEATED by the FACT that the "Choice" in question involves another HUMAN BEING WITH THE SAME RIGHTS AS THE MOTHER FOR THE SIMPLE FACT THAT THEY ARE BOTH ALIVE!  A doctor will pronounce a fetus dead in the womb when it is no longer living, be it after a miscarriage, or if a women is attacked and the child is killed during said attack.  If you kill a Mother with a child in the womb, you will be charged with two counts of Murder.  Partial Birth Abortion is the worst of all of the "Choices" that a Mother can make because there has never been a Life saving Partial Birth Abortion performed... EVER!  So this brutality is only for convenience.  The baby's entire body is birthed up to the head, because if the baby's head leaves the mother's body and breaths our air, it is protected under law and the Abortion becomes Murder officially.  While the baby's head is still in the Mother, a hole is made into the back of the baby's head and a vacuum tube is inserted in the skull.  The baby's head is then collapsed by the sucking of the contents of the skull out through the vacuum tube.  This procedure can happen legally at ANY time during the pregnancy and William the Liar Vetoed a bill that was one Senate vote short of Veto proof that would have put an end to this brutality... Or as the Left in this country so "conveniently" call it, this "Choice".  The other aspect of this is "Free Speech".  No one is allowed to show this procedure on television, and when Anti-Abortion protestors carry signs showing the remains of the Murdered baby after this procedure, the Left does everything they can to stop those signs from being publicly displayed.  So much for the Left's honesty in regard to the First Amendment.  And one more thing AP, "clashing opinions are being heard loud and clear" on this subject?  It's funny that this is a mirror image of the Anti-War protestor's day as far as pro and con numbers, but there didn't seem to be the same "equal focus" on the "pro-America-Anti-Anti-War protestors this past weekend as there now seems to be "equal time" for the much smaller group of "pro-Abortion" supporters.  A "Free Press" Leftist agenda?... You bet it is! - tha malcontent)

``Most anniversaries are causes for celebration,'' said Philadelphia Roman Catholic Archbishop Anthony Bevilacqua. ``This one is not. It is a day of mourning. Mourning for this immoral, unjust, illogical decision."


(Correction Archbishop, CBS News just reported that Abortion on Demand supporters and elected DemocRATS were "celebrating" at NARAL... "Celebrating" Abortion on Demand... Why is this not unsettling to everyone? - tha malcontent)

Bevilacqua, who chairs an anti-abortion committee of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, led an all-night vigil Tuesday night at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. About 7,000 people, including five cardinals, 36 bishops and 250 priests, attended the annual ``Mass for Life'' and prayer service.


(The AP reported on handfuls of Anti-War protesters in obscure places this weekend.  Do you think they will in this instance also?  I doubt it! - tha malcontent)

Across town, meanwhile, NARAL Pro-Choice America hosted a dinner attended by 1,300 people, featuring Democratic presidential candidates, including former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, Rep. Dick Gephardt of Missouri and Sens. John Edwards of North Carolina, John Kerry of Massachusetts and Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut.


(The word "pro-Choice" is a LIE!  These people are to dishonest in their own agenda and souls to say that they are pro-Abortion.  It is not a "CHOICE" it is an "ABORTION!" - tha malcontent)

In their first joint appearance, the presidential hopefuls pledged to protect abortion rights. 

``There is nothing moral in strong-arming a personal belief, and there is nothing moral to a presidency that imposes personal morality through acts of government power,'' Gephardt said.


(A "belief" is something that cannot be physically proven you LIAR!  A child in the womb is a human Life Senator, not a belief!  This dishonest Murder supporting BASTARD has never been honest enough with himself to sit down and watch a Partial Birth Abortion and see the suffering and agony that the Human Life is put through! - tha malcontent)

Gephardt and Edwards discussed the importance of passing a federal law to guarantee abortion rights even if the Supreme Court should overturn the 1972 Roe decision.

``The right to choose is an essential ingredient to realize the full equality of America,'' Edwards said.


(Yes it is, and the child in the womb has the exact same "Choice" to have Life!... A RIGHT to Life! - tha malcontent)

This year's anniversary is the first since Republicans regained control of the Senate in the November elections. The GOP also holds the House and the White House.


(And hence the virtual silence on this subject due to the fear of the "Free Press" and the DemocRATS that any focus on a popular (P)resident's agenda when he has 3/3 control and a Supreme Court that is ever increasingly sympathetic to ending the brutality that is Abortion, will shed light on this subject and people's hearts will start to change.  It's funny, the "Free Press" will not play video of a Partial Birth Abortion at the request of ANYONE, but when PETA runs to them screaming "boycott KFC", they not only give ink and air to the boycott, they then play slaughter house videos for PETA... The unborn chicken is worth the cause according to PETA, but the unborn child is not.  Oh yes they do support the "rights" of the unborn chicken, go to their website and see for yourself! - tha malcontent)

Abortion-rights supporters are concerned that the Republican control � coupled with the possibility of a retirement from the Supreme Court this year � increases the chances that Roe v. Wade could be eroded or overturned. The high court now is split 5-4 in favor of abortion rights.


(I thought it was "Choice-rights supporters"?... OOPS! - tha malcontent)

Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women, said her group's focus will be on maintaining the current Supreme Court balance and ensuring that ``we will not be the generation that both won and lost reproductive rights in our lifetime."


(You have the Right to reproduce Kimberly... You just do NOT have the Right to KILL inconvenient Life anymore than Slave owners had a Right to own another Human just because a handful of ignorant Racists on the Supreme Court said they did! - tha malcontent)

Whether in favor of abortion or against it, the issue drew thousands to various events throughout the week. The annual March for Life on Wednesday was expected to draw more than 50,000 people, walking from the Washington Monument to the Supreme Court steps. President Bush planned to address the rally via satellite from St. Louis.


(Barely worth making note of, eh "Free Press"? - tha malcontent)

Planned Parenthood Federation of America planned a counter-protest at the Supreme Court.


(I would like to see a stat on how many men and women go to "Planned Parenthood" to "plan" their "Parenthood".  My bet is that Abortions are far more likely there than planning, that is why they should be honest and call themselves "Unplanned Parenthood", or better yet, "Damn it!" or even "Oops!" - tha malcontent)

Also Wednesday, the Feminist Majority Foundation begins a two-day conference with more than 400 college students who will discuss ways to maintain abortion rights.


(400?!?... That's worth informing "the people" over! - tha malcontent)

Weary after a 15-hour drive from Evansville, Ind., Carolyn Pfender, 59, said she came to Washington to be heard by politicians and justices. 

``It's like murder when they abort a child. Who are we to put an end to it?'' she said.


(I cannot for the life of me figure out what this woman is trying to say here?  Can you?  For the Record... In order of importance on the Wire this morning: #1.) "Report: Iraq Shoots Down U.S. Aircraft", #2) " W.Va. Mine Blast Kills Three Workers" 3.) " Powerful Mexico Quake Kills at Least 21", #4) " U.N. May Take Up N. Korea Nuclear Dispute" and finally, 5.) " Abortion Supporters, Critics Set to March".  The Anti-War protesters led the Wire for 3 days.  Nope, no bias or agenda at the AP, must just be me again! - tha malcontent) - tha malcontent)

� Copyright 2003 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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