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On Roe v. Wade anniversary, rival sides wonder if Bush will seek reversal


By David Crary (Direct descendent of Karl Marx! - tha malcontent)
AP National Writer Jan 22, 9:40 AM EST 

AP) � Coming just two days after George W. Bush's inauguration, Saturday's anniversary of the 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion is dominated by the hopes of one side -- and fears of the other -- that the president will try to overturn Roe v. Wade through appointments to fill expected high court vacancies.


(ap) - This is one of the more Honest openings of an AP story regarding Abortion that I have ever read.  First of all, Abortion is not referred to as a "Right", it's referred to as the "Court decision" that it is.  Secondly, the word "Choice" is not used in a continued attempt to be Dishonest about what the Debate is really about... The Debate is not over "Choice", it's over "Abortion".  As for overturning a Supreme Court Ruling... If it was wrong, as Dred/Scott was, then it should be overturned.  Without question, we have advanced over 30 years since Abortion on Demand was Legalized by the Majority of 9 Human Beings, and it is time to allow today's Evidence into the Debate, because the Court was not originally privy to the information we now know regarding the suffering of the Developed Fetus in the Womb during many Abortion procedures.  We are also now more Informed as a Nation than we were when 3 Networks and a handful of Periodicals were the driving Force behind Political change in this Country.  The "Privacy" argument regarding the Ending of Human Life is not very Persuasive now that 30 years of light has been shed on that Court ruling.  Millions and Millions of Children later, we now understand Abortion on Demand to be what it was feared it would be, a "Choice" of "Convenience", more than not.  Why is the Left afraid to have the Discussion out in the open?... Because they know they can no longer win the Debate because they do not have control of the Venue, the Rules, or the Information... Their monopoly is as Dead as the Millions and Millions of Children that one Supreme Court catering to the Selfish Left in this Country Murdered over the past 30 years! - tha malcontent)

Anti-abortion activists were among the legions of Bush supporters converging on Washington in the past few days, and most will remain for Monday's annual March for Life. Though Bush is widely admired within the movement, some of its militants still question his commitment to reversing the 32-year-old decision.


(Nice angle, AP... Attempting to pit pro-Lifer Against pro-Lifer?... It's not going to work.  Digging up Hard Right Absolutists for stories that benefit your Agenda, while Ignoring them the rest of the time, is extremely Transparent and Dishonest.  Reminds me of the "Free Press" only interviewing or quoting McCain when he is hammering Bush (43) or other REPUBLICans. - tha malcontent)

"President Bush has an ethical obligation to protect the unborn, and he has a political debt of honor to those who put him in office," said Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue. "His staff must thoroughly investigate any possible appointee, and if they are not unalterably committed to overturning Roe v. Wade, they must be dismissed from consideration."


(Randall, it's that very mentality that caused Roe v Wade in the first place... The wrong can be undone without using Dishonest tactics.  Make Liberals on that Court Debate Abortion in today's context and let them be held accountable for their Votes.  Believe me, Bush (43) will.  If Roe v Wade is overturned and Liberals on the Court take part in getting it overturned, it will more likely last as a Ruling than if we stack the Court temporarily, and then eventually when the Left gets the Power back they will simply do the same, and reverse what we did.  Win the Debate because you are Right, not because you can skew the playing field in your Favor... That's how Liberals win, Randall. - tha malcontent)

Anti-abortion lawmakers in Congress and several states, meanwhile, are introducing the latest in a wave of measures aimed at making it more daunting to obtain an abortion. The bills would require abortion providers to tell women 20 weeks or more pregnant that an abortion could cause pain to their fetus, and to offer anesthesia administered directly to the fetus.


(It is a Fact that a Fetus with a Nervous System will feel it's Skull being Collapsed.  There is video of the Fetus Contorting in Obvious pain during a Dilation and Extraction, and if Unplanned Parenthood was Honest, they would tell their Abortion Customers the Truth about what is happening... Why is the Left so Afraid of the Truth? - tha malcontent)

Abortion-rights supporters, simultaneously apprehensive and determined, are engaging in postelection reassessments, some of them wondering openly if their rhetoric and strategies should be modified to better compete for public support.


(Abortion is NOT a "Right".  "Rights" are Specified and Enumerated in the Bill of Rights and the subsequent Amendments to the Constitution.  The Supreme Court cannot Create Rights, and when they said that Slaves were not Human and not Deserving of Rights, that was not a "Right" of the Slave Owner, simply because a Majority of 9 Human Beings said it was.  If only basic Civics was Taught in the Government Schools today!... - tha malcontent)

Frances Kissling, president of Catholics for a Free Choice, is suggesting there is little to be gained -- in the court of public opinion -- by opposing the notion that a fetus represents some form of human life. She proposes "a new pro-choice discourse" that would acknowledge both women's rights and respect for fetal life.


(How can this Woman look at a fully developed Fetus with little fingers and toes, and somehow find Justification in taking it's Life simply for Convenience?... The vast majority of Abortions are performed for Convenience, and not one has saved a Mother's Life. - tha malcontent) 

"Abortion is a serious matter; it is a woman's right and no woman needs to apologize for making this decision," Kissling wrote recently. "On the other hand, no woman needs to brag about her choice, and the decision of one pro-choice organization to sell T-shirts announcing 'I had an abortion' was in poor taste."


(How can you have a "Right" that you are not Proud of?... I brag about my 1st Amendment Right to do exactly what I am doing by calling this Woman out on my website.  I am also proud of every other Right that is Enumerated in the Constitution.  Should Women not brag about their "Right to Vote"?... The problem starts when you are Ashamed of what you have done.  There is no Pride in taking a Fetus' Life for Convenience, and this "keep quite" attitude that this "Catholic" Woman has, is part of the reason that Roe v Wade passed in the first place.  "Privacy" is technically a "Right", but it does not Supercede the Rights of another, and if the other has fingers and eyes and a pumping heart, they have the same Rights as anyone else.  A one day old baby cannot stand up for it's "Rights", but we are not allowed to terminate.  2 days earlier, pre-PBA Ban, we could have Aborted that same Child.  Start being Honest about what Abortion is. - tha malcontent)

However, Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, said abortion-rights supporters should not cede the terrain of "moral values" to their opponents.


(There's "Morality" in ending Life for Convenience?  You have to be a Liberal to feel this way. - tha malcontent)

"We need to talk to neighbors around the kitchen table about the values of freedom and privacy; we don't run away from the arguments," she said in an interview. "Our movement is on stronger ground when we take seriously the moral dimensions of the issue."


(While you are talking about "Freedom" and "Privacy", try discussing "Dilation and Extraction", you Dishonest, Filthy Supporter of Murder on Demand.  How about describing the fully Developed Child being Birthed up to the neck, leaving the head inside the Womb, then inserting a vacuum into the hole that was made into the back of the neck, leading into the Skull, then Collapsing the Skull and removing the Brain from it, subsequently ending the Life of the Child.  Care to Defend that Factual description of a Procedure that NARAL wishes to stay Legal?... I didn't think so.  That would take a Moral person, with some Intellectual Honesty. - tha malcontent)

Vicki Saporta, president of the National Abortion Federation, said her fears about future judicial appointments were tempered by polls indicating most Americans don't want Roe v. Wade overturned, and agreed with Keenan that "we shouldn't think that the positions we've taken are not just and moral."


(Because a Supreme Court Ruled a certain way, does not make it "Just" or "Moral"... Again, Dred/Scott. - tha malcontent) 

Saporta and her allies are reacting cautiously to the legislation regarding fetal pain.


(When they are Honest and admit that there is pain, they will have Lost the Debate forever, that very  instant.  Don't look for any such Honesty out of those who Support Abortion for Convenience, cause it ain't happenin' any time soon! - tha malcontent) 

"We're looking at the science behind that bill," she said. "We want to make sure women get correct medical and scientific information."


(How about being Honest and watch the video of a Partial Birth Abortion and then tell me what you think. - tha malcontent)

Kissling, of Catholics for a Free Choice, says the legislation provides abortion-rights supporters with a chance to show they do value fetal life. She objects to the federal bill, saying it requires doctors to follow a script that is insensitive to women, but she supports the concept of offering fetal anesthesia in appropriate circumstances.


(Why would Kissling want to offer "anesthesia"?... It's not a Human, it's a "Choice".  Is she offering a "Choice" pain relief?  If there is pain that requires anesthesia, then one simply has to ask, can the pain be avoided, and the answer is, yes.  If the Abortion is not performed, the Human will not feel any pain, and the Debate is over.  This "Catholic" may just be attempting to chip away at Abortion from a different angle. - tha malcontent)

"Abortion should be a humane and compassionate procedure," she wrote in the latest edition of her organization's journal.


("Abortion should be a humane and compassionate procedure"... Read that as many times as it takes for you to get angry.  It's beyond Reality to think anyone could say that with a straight face.  I think she is attempting to give Validation to the Fetus using the slippery slope method.  The Left will catch on to her game soon enough. - tha malcontent)

Dave Andrusko of the National Right to Life Committee accused Kissling of "Alice in Wonderland" reasoning. You can't concede that a fetus is human, and then say it's allowable to destroy it, he argues.


(Uh, yeah... That would seem to be Obvious to most Thinking people, except for maybe Miss Kissling. - tha malcontent)

In addition to Congress, fetal pain bills are being introduced in Arkansas, Colorado, Montana and elsewhere. Another Montana bill would require issuing death certificates for abortions; South Dakota lawmakers may vote to ban abortions altogether.


(All of these things would help to bring Reality back to the table regarding what Abortion is.  It is without a Doubt, the Ending of Human Life.  How can Science talk about "Life in Space" when they find some small example of an organism, but not with a fully Developed Human being in the Womb? - tha malcontent)

In the days prior to the Roe anniversary, there were other notable abortion-related developments: 

-- NARAL Pro-Choice America projected that 19 states would quickly outlaw abortion, and 19 more might follow suit, if Roe v. Wade were overturned. This could happen if two of the justices on the nine-member Supreme Court who support abortion rights departed and were replaced by justices opposing abortions.


(NARAL's "projections" are "notable" according to the AP?... Says much! - tha malcontent)

-- Norma McCorvey, the woman known as "Jane Roe" in Roe v. Wade, asked the Supreme Court to overturn its 1973 decision. McCorvey now opposes abortion and said the case should be heard again in light of evidence that the procedure may harm women.


("Jane Roe" opposes Abortion now on every level because she was Honest enough to look at what it Really is, instead of what she and the rest of this Country have been told for over 30 years... It is not a simple Surgery, and it does End Human Life. - tha malcontent)

-- Roman Catholic parishioners in Colorado said they would bury the ashes of up to 1,000 aborted fetuses Sunday to mark the Roe anniversary.


(I took Marriage Classes at that the Facility being discussed in that paragraph, and I have seen the Memorial, read the messages from Mother/Father to Aborted Child, and it is Devastating to Witness.  Start being Honest about Abortion. - tha malcontent)

-- Liberal and moderate religious leaders, including at least 150 rabbis, mobilized in an effort to spread the message that not all devoutly religious Americans oppose abortions.


("Liberal and Moderate" are always put together as if it is assumed that only they are Reasonable on issues.  You will never see this in an AP story: "Conservative and Moderate religious leaders..."  I'm not even sure the "Free Press" is fully aware of their Bias most of the time.  As for "devoutly religious" people not Opposing Abortion... I would have to say that they are Conveniently Selective in their reading and Living of the Word.  Abortion Ends Life... End of List... Start being Honest about it! - tha malcontent)

� Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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