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Bush Accuses Kerry of Waffling on Issues

(Direct descendent of Joseph Stalin! - tha malcontent)
Associated Press Writer Feb 23, 9:09 PM EST

(AP) � President Bush took the offensive on his re-election campaign Monday, casting Sen. John Kerry as a waffler and warning that the Democrats would raise taxes, expand the government and fail to lead decisively on national security.


(ap) - "Bush (43) to (J)ohn (F)'ing (K)erredy: You, my good Sir, are a loathsome waffler!... Mmmm, Waflers!... Hey Delmer, them there politician types is cookin' up some Wafllers!"  Come on AP, could we please have just an ounce of substance at some point in this campaign?  "Waffler" is not a word that is easily recognized by the Ignorant masses, and you know this... Just a thought!  Try, "inconsistent", or "hypocritical" next time, they are much more accurate, and clearer descriptions of what Bush (43) is calling the East Coast Liberal with a potential lawsuit against an unnamed plastic surgeon!  By the way, I have been absent from the mix recently, because not one of these jokers the DNC has put up to take the "Dole Position" is worth that much of my energy!  I will be more involved as the pack of 2, is weaned down to "the One".  Either way, a lifelong East Coast Liberal who called his fellow Soldiers in the Nam, monsters and baby-killers in front of the United States Senate, and a less than one term Senator, have almost no chance of making a respectable showing in November against Bush (43), and this is exactly why Little Dick turned tail and ran after the first loss in Iowa, and why HILLARY! isn't leaving the Carpet-bagged Senate seat in the State from which she is not from!  Again, I apologize for my absence, but I needed a break from the din!  On that note, here is Thomas Paine, in my opinion, describing the opposite of (m)en like Kerry: "I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."  Kerry couldn't even find enough inner strength to Vote consistently as a Senator! - tha malcontent)

Previewing his principal re-election theme, Bush made national security the centerpiece of his revamped re-election speech, explicitly invoking the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. He questioned the credentials of the Democrats who want his job.


("EXPLICITLY INVOKING"!?!?!... Well, I never!  As for questioning the credentials of the two remaining DemocRATS who want Bush (43)'s job, one hasn't even finished a full term in the Congress, and the other has a hard time showing up! - tha malcontent

"The action we take and the decisions we make in this decade will have consequences far into this century," Bush told 1,400 people at a fund-raiser for Republican governors. "If America shows weakness and uncertainty, the world will drift toward tragedy. That will not happen on my watch."


(Come on, let's wait until the UN agrees!... Just as Clinton did NOT when he bombed Civilians in Belgrade during our War to find 500 Soldier deep "mass graves" in Bosnia back in the "Roaring 90's"!  Ain't History and the Facts about a Bitch! - tha malcontent)

In his 40-minute address, Bush mentioned none of the Democratic presidential candidates by name, but some of his sharpest criticism was unmistakably intended for Kerry, the front-runner.


(Not mentioning one's opponent, is to show them disrespect and contempt!... Anyway, Bush (43) knew it would bait the eager Media into making more of his comments than they otherwise would have! - tha malcontent)

"The other party's nomination battle is still playing out. The candidates are an interesting group with diverse opinions," Bush said. "They're for tax cuts and against them. They're for NAFTA and against NAFTA. They're for the Patriot Act and against the Patriot Act. They're in favor of liberating Iraq, and opposed to it. And that's just one senator from Massachusetts." His supportive audience erupted in laughter and applause.


(This is for those of you on my side of this Debate who have been getting a little to antsy for Bush (43) to come out swinging early... IT'S STILL FEBRUARY AND THE DemocRATS HAVEN'T EVEN NOMINATED THEIR DOLE YET!  Let the DemocRATS waste every possible dime attacking each other before we waste one of ours... Get it? - tha malcontent)

Kerry spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter disputed Bush's list of purported flip-flops. Kerry opposed Bush's tax cuts for the richest Americans and stands by that; voted for NAFTA and stands by it; voted for the Patriot Act, but believes the Justice Department is using it to trample civil liberties; and stands by his vote to authorize force for Iraq, but believes Bush's prosecution of the war "created a breeding ground for terror" and alienated allies, Cutter said.


(Is Kerry's spokeswoman going to be president, or is he?  Did John vote for the tax cuts?... The Patriot Act?... The War in Iraq based on the same Evidence that Bush (43) saw?... Yes, yes and yes.  As for the BIG Lie that the Patriot Act is being used in some unConstitutional way, well, PROVE IT, or SHUT THE %$!# UP, JOHN!  Even the Gah-Damned ACLU can't come up with an example of your Dishonest claim!  But hey, if you repeat a Lie long enough, and loud enough, and to enough Ignorant DemocRATS, it may just become a Lie they believe!  This is also known as Marxism!  Memo to the Left: As of last year, DemocRAT registration is at an all time low, and only about 32% of the Voting populace will even claim the (D)!  Remember that when 52 Electoral votes in Call-eee-for-nia go to Bush (43) as he raises his hand with the Governator's in Victory!  Can you say Electoral Landslide! - tha malcontent)

Kerry has yet to secure the Democratic nomination as he and Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina wage a two-man fight. Kerry holds a significant lead in the delegate chase, with contests Tuesday in Hawaii, Idaho and Utah, and a 10-state election, including California and New York, on March 2.

The president has sought to depict himself as above the political fray in recent months, even as Democrats pummeled him during their primary process. Monday, Bush signaled he has entered a new phase in which he will strike back, shelving an old speech in which he said, "the political season will come in its own time."

The November election presents "a choice between keeping the tax relief that is moving this economy forward, or putting the burden of higher taxes back on the American people," he said. "It's a choice between an America that leads the world with strength and confidence, or an America that is uncertain in the face of danger."


(What was it again, that the last DemocRAT president did in the face of Iraq's Yousef and al Qaeda's Mohamed's initial attack against the World Trade Center in his first year as president?... Oh yeah, Clinton didn't even visit the site of the attack, even though Americans lost their Lives in that failed attempt to bring down the towers with a truck bomb!  That's what DemocRATS do in the "face of danger"... That, and deplete our Military and call for an end to the two organizations, besides Bush (43), that they now blame for not stopping the 11th, while they spent decades trying to dismantle and under fund the CIA and the FBI in their efforts to keep us informed and safe... Yes, that would be the CIA and the FBI that the DemocRATS have almost always loathed... On the Congressional Record, in case you wanted to do some research!  God forbid that the CIA and FBI communicated with one another before the 11th, according to the DemocRATS, that is!  But a funny thing happened after it became politically safe to start spewing Leftist filth again, post the 11th, those same DemocRATS demanded to know why the CIA and FBI were not communicating, and instead of the media telling these Dishonest Bastards that they were the ones who did not want them communicating, the media went right to Bush (43) with the questions, as if he set FBI and CIA policy for the previous decades, and not the DemocRATS who controlled Congress for the majority of that time!  That reminds me of the media drilling Bush, the Governor of Texas at the time, about the Confederate flag that flew over the South Carolina Statehouse, while not asking one question of DemocRAT Senator Fritz Hollings, who as Governor of South Carolina in the early 60's, actually raised that very flag!  Memo to the AP: It's been 4 years, and Fritz is still a Senator to this day... Go ask him now, and attempt to illustrate some Honesty in your "journalism" for once! - tha malcontent)

Bush pledged to improve the economy and "keep our enemies on the run," recalling his walk through the rubble of the World Trade Center on Sept. 14, 2001. The Democratic presidential hopefuls "have not offered much in the way of strategies to win the war, or policies to expand the economy," he said.


("He said"?... Well AP, could you give us ONE example of DemocRAT policy?  The last time I checked, they only have complaints, and Lies, that you almost never call them on, but willing forward for free in your "news" releases!  When you know what one of their policies might be, if Hell freezes over and one of them becomes president, let the rest of us know!... Preferably before the Election, mmmkay! - tha malcontent)

Kerry said Bush's plunge into campaign mode signaled the president is nervous.


(Oh, SHUT UP!... Did F'ing Kerredy actually say "nervous", or are you Marxists at the AP editorializing again? - tha malcontent)

"I don't think losing 3 million jobs, having deficits as far as the eye can go, having 2 million people lose their health insurance, turning your back on kids in schools and not funding No Child Left Behind ... represents a vision," Kerry said in Queens, N.Y.


(Fact: The unemployment rate was increasing before Bush (43) took Office, and simultaneously the Economy was slowing and the Stock Market was falling.  40 days after Bush (43) took Office, and still under Clinton's final budget, the Economy went into Recession.  We have been 2 years out of the Clinton/Algore Recession now, and the Unemployment rate peaked at 6.4%, and is now down to pre-Bush (43) numbers.  That dog won't hunt, "Senator"! - tha malcontent)

Edwards also took a swipe, telling voters in Georgia, "The people want this campaign to be about the future, not the past."

Bush tried to shrug off such criticism Monday as election-year posturing. "It's going to be the year of the sharp elbow and the quick tongue," Bush told governors of both parties at the White House.


("Bush TRIED to shrug off such criticism..."  Bush (43) can't do anything right, heck, he can't even shrug off such criticism!  I take a month break from the noise, and come back, and nothing has changed! - tha malcontent)

Bush has kept his eye firmly fixed on re-election since taking office, tailoring his travels to battleground states, racking up IOUs with fellow Republicans and raising more than $151 million for his campaign.

What has changed is his willingness to publicly engage in the campaign, beyond fund raising.


(Does anyone really buy this TRIPE?... I mean, outside of the Leftists Ignorant base?  It's an Election year, and Bush (43) will campaign as EVERY other President before him has, AP!... Get over it! - tha malcontent)

The new address was billed as a preview of his stump speech and came at a time when he is preparing to launch a multimillion-dollar advertising barrage.

Bush's spokesman, Scott McClellan, said Monday that the president began filming campaign commercials about two weeks ago in the White House residence.

The ads will air on cable TV around the country and on network stations in competitive markets, with the slogan: "Steady Leadership in Times of Change." They begin airing March 4, just two days after the wave of primary elections that is likely to cement the Democrats' pick to challenge Bush.


("John F'ing Kerredy/Breck Girl Edwards 20??"... Honestly, I am not sure how many more times I will type these two losers names.  I have better things to do with my time... I really do! - tha malcontent)

Bush's approval ratings have dipped to around 50 percent in recent polls - some in the high 40s.


(Are these polls based on "likely voters", AP?... That's what I thought!  And do they sound like this, "Do you think Bush is more beatable now because of Kerry's strong showing recently, and War Hero status, or was he more beatable when Dean was in the lead?"  Do you get it?... Both questions lead the respondent to agree that Bush is more beatable in either setting.  I am not even wasting my time researching polls that had Dole leading Clinton at this time in 1996!... Get it? - tha malcontent)

Bush, his loyalists and their relatives were maintaining their heavy fund-raising efforts this week. Vice President Dick Cheney raised $200,000 in Minneapolis on Monday and another $200,000 Monday evening in Wichita, Kan.

The president sought to end speculation that he will drop Cheney from the re-election ticket. Bush joked that he had again appointed Cheney chief of his vice presidential search committee - and that Cheney had again recommended himself.

"They don't come any better and I'm proud to have Dick Cheney by my side," Bush said.


(No Cheney means a Bush/Powell ticket, AP, don't forget that!  We know that you guys don't like the thought of the Breck Girl getting slapped around in the VPOTUS debates by Cheney, but the alternative is an Experienced Military Leader who is the most respected politician in America... And a Black Man.  Be very careful what you wish for... - tha malcontent)

� Copyright 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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