� in association with the Liberty Project� presents |� 23 Feb 2005 |
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ap /� Vs. �
Economic Growth Expected to Dip in
(Direct descendent of
Karl Marx!
- tha malcontent)
(ap) - As we know, most
Americans only read, or hear second hand via Dan Rather (D), the headlines...
Taking this Fact into consideration, why do you think that the AP would lead
with a negative in the headline, as opposed to the positive that we find in the
first paragraph regarding a continued reduction in unemployment? For that
matter, why did they Choose to portray 3.6% growth as a negative in the first
place? 3.6% is about as healthy an example of growth that anyone could ask
for. They could have led this story with, "Growth to be Healthy and Stable in
2005". Most Honest Economists would agree with that assessment. They could
have just as easily led with "Unemployment Picture will Continue to Improve in
2005". The reason the are talking down the Economy is simply because they will
not, or cannot accept the Fact that things have improved since the 11th and
since the Recession that preceded the 11th and all of it during 3/3 Control by
the REPUBLICans, and a President they did not Vote for... Either time. What's
the most entertaining about it, is the Fact that the "Free Press" parroted the
DNC in 2000 by accusing Governor George Bush of "talking down the Economy", when
in the Fact, the year-long slowdown that preceded the Recession, was going on
while Bush was saying it. The difference is that Bush (43) was Factually
Observing a slowdown then, while the "Free Press" Ignored it. Virtually
all of the "Free Press" is painting good Economic and Employment news as bad
now, while Ignoring the Facts by way of headlines. Governor Bush was Accurate
in his Observation according to the numbers at the time, and the "Free Press" is
doing no more than Perception Building with stories like this one 4 to 5 years
later... And the Perceptions they wish to foster are not Perceptions that would
help the President's Party in 2006 and 2008. Nope, no Agenda there! - tha
(Again, how can the AP be
taken Seriously when they talk down 3.6% growth?... By the way, the predictions
have been WAY low over the previous 2 years, so don't be surprised to see it
actually be 4%+ this year! - tha malcontent)
(It's funny, I don't remember
the AP reporting about such "strong growth" last year... I wonder why?... Oh
yeah, that kind of Honesty would have garnered Kerry about 43% of the Vote,
instead of the 48% he ended up losing with last fall! - tha malcontent)
(I will bet you money that
the AP did not report on 3.6% Growth as "moderate" during Clinton! - tha
(Good news after good news
after good news... Again, go back and read the title of this "news report". -
tha malcontent
(I am betting that it will be
down to 4.8% by years end... We will see! - tha malcontent)
(Inflation was not bad in
2004, and will improve greatly in 2005... Where was this "news" last fall during
the Election? - tha malcontent)
(If Inflation was
consistently applied to the price of gas, we would be paying at least twice what
we pay now for a gallon. That considered, the price will drop this year. Bush
got the blame via the "Free Press" as gas prices rose... Will he get the credit
for them dropping?... Don't hold your breath! - tha malcontent)
(It would have been nice if
the "Free Press" reported a "relatively positive view of the economy" last fall!
- tha malcontent)
(Bush (43) on Algore Junior:
He's "Pathologically a Liar"... Sorry, I had to! I am fully aware that it is
about as out of context as something can be, but the AP once reported on
Aschroft's Nomination and referred to Ashcroft as the "Conservative" who was
beaten by a "dead man" in the 2000 Senatorial Elections, so I thought I would
use the AP standard of reporting! - tha malcontent)
(That will have a cooling
effect on new investments... But it's reasonable considering. We wouldn't want
any "Irrational Exuberance" to surface again as it did just before the bust at
the end of Clinton's final term. What was it that Clinton did again to cause
the longest expansion in History? After all, the Expansion started in March of
1991, and Clinton did not take the Oath of Office until January of 1993... Oh
yeah, he didn't do a Damned thing to start the longest period of expansion in
History. He did, on the other hand, leave a year-long slowdown and a Recession
40 days after leaving Office. A Recession that took place almost entirely under
his final Budget. Not only did he not create the Expansion, he didn't even
maintain it. But you won't here the Facts presented that way by his
Cheerleading Squad in the "Free Press"! So many Economic Lies by the "Free
Press"... So little time! - tha malcontent)
(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth. No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! - tha malcontent)
Don't do what you're polled to do!� |
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