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'Wedgie' Added to Webster's Dictionary

By ? (Direct descendent of Joseph Stalin! - tha malcontent)
Associated Press Writer Mar 15, 10:55 AM EST

CLEVELAND (AP) � Wedgie, a teenager's locker-room nightmare, has made it into the dictionary. Webster's New World College Dictionary based in Cleveland said wedgie was among its new additions to its latest edition.


(ap) - "'Wedgie' Added to Webster's Dictionary"... You are probably wondering why tha malcontent would post such trivial AP story on his inaugural day of being Hi-Speed... Well, it's because I knew that a word/phrase that the Left has always cringed at, and some even denied, was added.  That word/phrase is "Partial-Birth Abortion".  Medically speaking, it's called D&X, or Dilation and Extraction.  This is a process in which the fully developed Human Fetus in the Womb is Partially Birthed to the head, leaving the head inside, then an incision is made in the back of the head, a tube inserted, and the "contents" are removed via a vacuuming action.  For those on the Left who have denied such a thing exists, it's now in the Webster's!  "Main Entry: par�tial�birth abortion Pronunciation: 'p�r-sh&l- Function: noun : an abortion in the second or third trimester of pregnancy in which the death of the fetus is induced after it has passed partway through the birth canal."  And there you have it.  Conservatives who are Against the Murder of Inconvenient Life can now say, with all Honesty, the word/phrase "Partial-Birth Abortion".  Now go let a Liberal you Love know the Truth!  One more thing, I find it interesting that Webster's settled on "the Death of the Fetus is induced", as opposed to being a little more Specific! - tha malcontent)

The new edition will carry this listing: wedgie: noun. a prank in which the victim's undershorts are jerked upward so as to become wedged between the buttocks.

The dictionary also carries the tradition wedgie definition of a type of shoe.

"`Wedgie' was always a part of the high school terminology that you sort of never thought about later," said Editor in Chief Michael Agnes.

"It never really entered the mainstream until the '90s. It broke out of high school and, boy � if you don't know what it is, you're absolutely at a loss."

The new edition will reach bookstores by May and has 58 new entries, plus another 20 new senses of existing words (such as wedgie).

The additions include Al Qaeda, blog, cargo pants, irritable bowel syndrome and partial-birth abortion.


(I wonder why the AP did not lead with a headline like this: "Partial-Birth Abortion Added to Webster's Dictionary"?... I guess we will just have to draw our own conclusions on that one! - tha malcontent)


Information from: Akron Beacon Journal,


� Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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