� in association with the Liberty Project� presents |� 23 Mar 2005 |
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ap /� Vs. �
85 Militants Killed in U.S. Raid in Iraq
(ap) - "They said citizens
emboldened by the January elections are increasingly turning in intelligence
tips." Normally, the AP would state things as a matter of Fact, not as a
simple claim by someone potentially not trustworthy to them as a source, like,
say, maybe, the United States Military or Government when an (R) is @ 1600!
If there were increased Attacks Against our Soldiers, instead of decreasing
Attacks as is the case today, the AP would be telling us why, as a matter of
Fact. This Realization regarding what the January Elections has brought,
has to make the Leftists at the AP's blood boil!... I Love it! Only
American Liberals could be so Arrogant and Self-involved as to deny what is
going on in the Middle East thanks to our Leadership, and more importantly, our
Troops in the field... Or worse yet, once they realize it, to have a Disgust for
the good news, as is evidenced in their tone regarding the good news that
continues to pile up since January, not only in Iraq, but across the region! -
tha malcontent)
(One of the objectives with this
War was to focus the Terrorists in one place... Did I just read that last
paragraph correctly?... Has that objective been successful? The simple answer
is, yes! - tha malcontent)
(This news is killing the American
Left!... The last thing they want, and the one thing they pray will never
happen, is Bush (43) being correct about Iraq, and by relation, the Middle East!
- tha malcontent)
(The Big
BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTT!... Liberals like big butts, and they don't know
why! - tha malcontent)
(The Left would decry this as
"Propaganda", and not Fair to the Justified Rebellion Against the Imperialist
Boy Prince, Georgie Porgie!... You know that feel exactly this Childish about
Bush (43)! - tha malcontent)
(Analysts the AP Favors, that is! - tha malcontent)
(An AP "Butt-boy" just in time to say that success is not all that it's cracked up to be, because nothing is Perfect, and in that, Bush (43) is dumb... OK, I am assuming he feels that way, but he's making some assumptions himself! - tha malcontent)
(Too bad. The AP neglected to point out that 60% of Eligible Voters came out... I wonder why? - tha malcontent)
(Oh, because the 60% they want to focus on is the one that makes the Shiite's (the OPPRESSED under Saddam) out to be the Oppressors now, simply because they are the majority. They do this by pointing out that the Sunni's stayed home and pouted... TOO BAD! You missed out on History, and if you continue, History will pass you by. Be Thankful there is not rampant Retaliation for what many of you did while Saddam was Dictator! - tha malcontent)
(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth. No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! - tha malcontent)
Don't do what you're polled to do!� |
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