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Extra: Berger to Plead Guilty to Taking Materials
(ap) - Clinton
and Berger... A Thief and a Liar. Clinton was found "In Contempt of Court"
for "Willfully Lying under Oath", to a Federal Grand Jury and now his "top
National Security Aid", according to the AP, ("National Security Advisor", if
the AP were not trying to keep you from thinking about Condi in this situation,
and the difference in coverage if it were Condi.) has been proven to be a Thief,
and a Destroyer of Documents from the National Archives, and a 2-time Liar!...
If Berger was Bush (43)'s boy, Dan Rather (D) would have **** himself focusing
on this story. Replace Clinton's name with Bush (43) and Berger's name
with Condi Rice, and imagine how this story would have been covered as you read
it! Keep this in mind, Berger was working for the Kerry Campaign as a top
Advisor at the time he stole these Documents. You would think that would
play a major role in this AP story, wouldn't ya? - tha malcontent)
(Berger Lies about what he did,
while the "Free Press" regurgitates the DNC line about "the timing of this
probe"... Classic cheerleading for the DemocRATS on the part of the "Free
Press", as usual! If it were Condi being probed, the "Free Press" wouldn't
give a drop of ink to claims of "timing"! - tha malcontent)
(I guess if I was to be entirely
Honest, I would have to question Bush (43)'s Justice Department on why this is
not being treated as the more Serious issue that it is... You know Clinton's
Justice would have gone at Condi with both barrels! - tha malcontent)
(The AP's PATHETIC take on the
former National Security Advisor under Clinton stealing Documents from the
National Archives pertaining to the 9/11 Commission's Investigation, destroys
them, and then Lies about it: "A Bizarre Episode"... Classic! - tha malcontent)
("Retention"?... He "DESTROYED"
them! This one is making less and less sense to me! I am going to
consider contacting some people in my Party as to why Berger is being let off
with a slap on the wrist. - tha malcontent)
(A Classic attempt to blame the
Cops for the Criminals Crime! The AP should disclose it's Bias, and there
should be a Law requiring them to do so! This is sick! - tha malcontent)
(And the AP, and Dan Rather (D) and
the rest were more than happy with that conclusion. They were quickly back
to finding out just what an terrible person Bush (43) was back in the ANG back
during Vietnam! That reminds me, Dan Rather (D) had a "Document" issue of
his own regarding that, if my memory serves me! And that included another
Kerry Advisor, Joe Lockhardt... A pattern? - tha malcontent)
(How do we know it was five copies,
and how do we know what they were? He has already been caught Lying about
the entire incident twice! - tha malcontent)
(Can you imagine the reverse of
this story regarding Political Parties, and there not being calls for Bush
(43)'s Impeachment by the AP? - tha malcontent)
(Clinton was among DemocRATS,
including the Associated Press, who question the timing...", it should read! -
tha malcontent)
(They can't possibly know that.
Documents were admittedly DESTROYED by Clinton's former NSA, and top Kerry
Advisor! This is insanity! I am sure the most disgusting in the
"Free Press" will use the Pope's passing as an excuse to let this story fade
away with barely a glance.... Terrible. - tha malcontent)
(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth. No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! - tha malcontent)
Don't do what you're polled to do!� |
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