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Kennedy Blames Accident on Sleep Medicine 

(Direct descendent of Joseph Stalin! - tha malcontent)
Associated Press Writer May 05, 04:05 PM MST

Rep. Patrick Kennedy crashed his car near the Capitol early Thursday, and a police official said he appeared intoxicated. Kennedy said he had taken sleep medication and a prescription anti-nausea drug that can cause drowsiness.


(ap) - I am only Interested in (2) things... How long will it take the AP to mention that Patrick is Ted "Chappaquiddick" Kennedy's Son, and will the AP find the Honesty to Discuss a Similar Car Accident that Ended in the Death of a young Female passenger of the Current Senior Hutt from Massachusetts.  Let's read along and see if the AP can be Objective about Relative History and New Reporting in general... - tha malcontent)

Kennedy, D-R.I., addressed the issue after a spate of news reports. His initial statement said, "I consumed no alcohol prior to the incident."

Later, however, he issued a longer statement saying the attending physician for Congress had prescribed Phenergan on Tuesday to treat Kennedy's gastroenteritis, an inflammation of the stomach and intestines.

Kennedy said he returned to his Capitol Hill home on Wednesday evening after a final series of votes in Congress and took "prescribed" amounts of Phenergan and Ambien, another prescribed drug that he occasionally takes to fall asleep.

"Some time around 2:45 a.m., I drove the few blocks to the Capitol Complex believing I needed to vote," his second statement said. "Apparently, I was disoriented from the medication."

In the later statement, he repeated, "At no time before the incident did I consume any alcohol."

Kennedy appeared to be intoxicated when he crashed his Ford Mustang into a barrier on Capitol Hill early Thursday morning, said Louis P. Cannon, president of the Washington chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police.

Cannon, who was not there, said the officers involved in the accident were instructed by an official "above the rank of patrolman" to take Kennedy home.

No sobriety tests were conducted at the scene.


(Oh yeah, if this was a Bush Twin, the AP would be tripping over themselves to Quote DemocRATS who are Demanding Investigations of Special Treatment, and letting you Know that Daddy had a DUI 30 years ago!... But in this case, it's really not that big a Deal that a Kennedy wrecked his car at 3 in morning and appeared Drunk, but someone kept him from taking a Sobriety Test, and gave him a ride home!...  Yeah, the Cops are giving you and I a ride home in that setting!  Still no mention of Tedward and that Bridge?... - tha malcontent)

A letter written by a Capitol Police officer to Acting Chief Christopher McGaffin said Kennedy appeared to be staggering when he left the vehicle after the crash about 3 a.m. The letter was first reported by Roll Call, a Capitol Hill newspaper.

Kennedy said he was late for a vote, officer Greg Baird said in the letter to McGaffin. Baird is acting chairman of the Capitol Hill chapter of the FOP police union. The last vote of the night had occurred almost six hours earlier.


(Classic!... - tha malcontent)

Kennedy said he was driven home by Capitol police.

"At no time did I ask for any special consideration," he said. "I simply complied with what the officers asked me to do."

Kennedy, the son of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., and his staff declined to discuss any further details of the accident. The congressman took part in House votes Thursday.


(It took 14 Paragraphs for the AP to mention that Patty is Ted's Son!...  I could have Predicted this if I was... Drunk!  But now, can they bring themselves to ink "Chappaquiddick"? - tha malcontent)

Capitol Police did not immediately return phone calls for comment. They issued a one-line statement saying they were investigating a traffic violation that occurred early in the morning at that location.

Baird wrote McGaffin that two sergeants who responded to the accident conferred with the watch commander and were ordered to leave the scene.

He said that after the officers left, Capitol Police officials gave Kennedy a ride home.

Kennedy spent time at a drug rehabilitation clinic before he went to Providence College. He has been open about mental health issues, including being diagnosed with bipolar disorder.


(Curious... It took 14 out of 18 Paragraphs to get to Ted, and Apparently the AP doesn't see a Reason to mention "Chappaquiddick"... I Wonder why?  Predictable as my Morning Stool. - tha malcontent)


Associated Press writer Laurie Kellman contributed to this report.

� Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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