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Commission: Florida Vote Unfair


By DAN PERRY (Direct Descendent of Karl Marx! - tha malcontent)
Associated Press Writer JUNE 05, 04:18 EST

WASHINGTON (AP) � A divided U.S. Commission on Civil Rights has concluded that minority voters were unjustly penalized by the way the 2000 presidential election was conducted in Florida.


("A divided U.S. Commission on Civil Rights...", I wonder which side of the "divide" we will be hearing the most from via the DemocRATS "Free Press" this fine day in early June?  I bet there are going to be claims of oppression of the rights of the poor, colored, gay, cripple and female!  What there will not be is the "other" view of this "divided" Commission's report, and if there is, it will be short, sweet and quickly forgotten by the time Dan/Tom/Peter put a "human face" on all of the suffering and tyranny that old rich-white-Republican-racist-sexist-homophobes bestowed upon the little guy back in November of 2000 down in Florida! - tha malcontent)

A draft version of a commission report was made available to a number of news outlets Monday evening � prior to being provided to all commission members.


(I thought the "Free Press" said that "leaking" was a bad thing!... Oh, only when it hurts their party politically, I see! - tha malcontent)

Three newspapers said the report, which is expected to be formally released at a commission meeting Friday, criticizes Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Secretary of State Katherine Harris for not making sure election procedures � including the types of voting machines and ballots used � did not discriminate against certain voters.


(And then what does the other side of the "divide" have to say on that subject "Free Press"? - tha malcontent)

But the commission inquiry found no ``conclusive evidence'' that officials ``conspired'' to disenfranchise minority and disabled voters, the report added.


(Someone call HILLARY! and let her know it was NOT a "vast right wing conspiracy"! - tha malcontent)

The Washington Post, one of the papers that obtained an advance copy of the draft report, quoted R. Doug Lewis, director of the Houston-based Election Center, as saying Bush and Harris had little control of the 67 county voting supervisors in Florida and that the commission showed ``a lack of understanding about how the process works."


(That's because the local canvassing boards have ALL of the control over every aspect of the election and in ALL of the questioned counties, DemocRATS controlled those boards, in turn, they controlled the type of voting machine, access etc.  This is the factual Truth and the "Free Press" will not tell you this because it does not support/help/forward their party (the DemocRATS), or their Marxist agenda! - tha malcontent) 

The two Republican appointees to the eight-member commission told The New York Times they had not been consulted and suggested that providing parts of the report early could overshadow the full report when it is issued later.


(ONLY TWO REPUBLICANS out of an EIGHT-MEMBER commission?!  Why don't you just ask the DOMINANTLY SOCIALIST Florida Supreme Court what they think... they would be about as "objective" on this subject as these partisans AREN'T!!, PAH-LEEEEEEEEEEEASE! - tha malcontent)

One of the two, Russell Redenbaugh, told the Times the report's conclusions of discrimination were not supported by the evidence and that its early release of the report was intended to further the political agenda of the chairwoman, Mary Frances Berry, who supported former Vice President Al Gore in the presidential election.


(Gee, ya think! - tha malcontent)

``There are a number of people who are so displeased with the outcome of the election that they would do almost anything to cast a cloud over the legitimacy of the election and the legitimacy of this administration,'' said Redenbaugh. ``Sometimes people who believe that their cause is a correct one lose sight of the procedural violations and believe that the means they pursue are justified by the goodness of the ends they desire.''


(Wow, two whole paragraphs dedicated to the Truth, impressive "Free Press".  Now about the headline you chose, "Commission: Florida Vote Unfair", just how did you come to that headline over in the editing department?  Do you think your political bias played a part? - tha malcontent)

A spokesman told the Times that Berry declined to comment, saying she could not discuss the report before its formal release, since all the commissioners had not received a copy. 

The advisory commission has no enforcement authority and the Los Angeles Times, one of the papers that got an advance report, noted in its account that the Florida Legislature has already passed laws addressing a number of the commission's complaints.


(Reactionary Legislating... the quickest route to a Socialist society!  I have an open query, if DemocRATS in Florida were smart enough to understand that their party's leadership has been calling them stupid since November 8th, do you think they would be upset about it? - tha malcontent)

Unequal access to modern voting equipment and ``overzealous efforts'' to purge state voter lists most harshly affected blacks in the state that decided the November election for President Bush, the commission said.


(Back to the class/race/gender/disability/"lifestyle choice" baiting, what the DemocRATS and their "Free Press" survive day to day on!  Never mind that the Commission was "divided", just trumpet the side that favors your point of view! "Freedom of the Press" means "freedom from influence" AP!  I think it is high time you assigned your entire staff a book to study, it's called The Federalist Papers and it is the backbone to that good old Constitution and Bill of Rights you are always misrepresenting to "the people" in an attempt to forward your Marxist agenda! - tha malcontent)

Fifty-four percent of votes rejected during the Florida election were cast by black voters, according to the report. Blacks accounted for 11 percent of voters statewide.


(Do you smell that?... I love the smell of race-baiting in the morning... smells like... Marxism! - tha malcontent)

Advisers to Gov. Bush and Harris were angered by the report's early release. Harris' spokesman, David Host, told the Post the leak was ``both fraudulent and shameful'' because Harris' response is not due until later this week.


(Dubya's brother and the wicked witch from the South should be ashamed of what they did down their in Florida.  These two TYRANTS should be imprisoned for their crimes immediately!  That smell?, oh that would be sarcasm for all of you confused DemocRAT Floridians! - tha malcontent)

The commission held three days of hearings, interviewed 100 witnesses and reviewed 118,000 documents. 

Some of the key findings: 

�Blacks were nearly 10 times as likely as whites to have their ballots rejected. Poor counties populated by minorities were more likely to use voting systems that rejected larger percentages of ballots than more affluent counties.


(True to their Marxist form, the "Free Press" employees the "redundancy" tactic at this point in their propaganda!  Why not, it worked so well during the indoctrination process that ended up oppressing and then killing 15 million Russians under the "leadership" of one of the American left's heroes, Joseph Stalin! - tha malcontent)

�Some Hispanic and Haitian voters were not provided ballots in their native languages, and physical barriers sometimes kept disabled voters from entering polling sites.


(I was actually being wise when referencing the disabled earlier... Nice job "Free Press"!  Are you sure you haven't left any oppressed groups out of this piece of ignorant tripe masquerading as a legitimate news story?  I know, you forgot the little boy bottom touchers!  I'm calling the IGLA and telling on you!  Everyday I tell myself that the Truth will eventually prevail in this battle, but on days like this, I really have to wonder if it ever will! - tha malcontent)


� Copyright 2001 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


Don't do what you're polled to do!� 


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