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Senate to apologize for not enacting anti-lynching legislation


By JIM ABRAMS (Direct descendent of Joseph Stalin! - tha malcontent)
Associated Press Writer June 7, 5:35 PM EST

(AP) �  An Illinois woman who is the great-great granddaughter of a black South Carolina farmer who was killed by a white mob nearly a century ago will be on hand next week when the Senate belatedly apologizes for failing to pass anti-lynching legislation.

(ap) - DemocRATS should Apologize for Opposing anti-Lynching Laws.... And for Robert "There are White Niggers - 2002" Byrd (D-KKK) while they are at it!... And Algore's Dad, Algore Senior (D-Segregationist)! My primary question is, are the Senators who once belonged to, or were associated with Organizations that fought this Legislation, going to Personally Apologize? Why should Babs Boxer (D) Apologize?... Except for the Fact that it was her Party (D) that led the Opposition to Civil Rights for Blacks along with Algore Senior (D-Father of Junior). Another thing, was Killing legal as long as you "Lynched"? Seems to me that Legislation was a formality, whereas Action on the part of the Federal Government to Prosecute these Crimes was needed. Constitutionally, Lynching was not Legal. But let's have a little bit of History about one of the leading DemocRATS Against anti-Lynching Laws, shall we... Senator "There are White Niggers - 2002" Byrd (D-KKK) was the driving Force behind changing the Senates primary Office Building in 1972, not 1942, to be named after his "Mentor", DixiecRAT Senator Dick Russell, who lead the Opposition Against "Anti-Lynching" Legislation... Byrd (D-KKK) himself Filibustered Civil Rights for Blacks for 14 hours on the Senate Floor Personally in 1964... He's ALL yours DemocRATS! My guess is, the AP will Fail to assign Party or Responsibility Specifically in this TRIPE Masquerading as Legitimate Wire copy, but let's read along and see, shall we! - tha malcontent)

Doria Dee Johnson, an author and frequent lecturer on the subject of lynchings, says she will be in the chamber Monday when the Senate is expected to approve a resolution expressing remorse for not stopping a crime that took the lives of at least 4,742 people, mostly blacks, between 1882 and 1968.

Johnson, from Evanston, Ill., said her family ``lost property and family solidarity that still affects us today'' when Anthony Crawford, a wealthy cotton farmer, was killed in 1916 by several hundred residents of Abbeville, S.C.

Senate filibusters in the past blocked House bills and presidential requests to pass anti-lynching legislation, she said. ``It will be nice to have an apology from that same body,'' she said.

The Senate resolution, sponsored by Sens. Mary Landrieu, D-La., and George Allen, R-Va., notes that nearly 200 anti-lynching bills were introduced in the first half of the 20th century and that seven presidents between 1890 and 1952 petitioned Congress to end lynching. But nothing got through the Senate.

The nonbinding measure apologizes for this failure and expresses ``most solemn regrets of the Senate to the descendants of victims of lynching.''

Landrieu's spokesman, Adam Sharp, said the resolution is expected to pass on a voice vote. He said Johnson will be joined in the Senate on Monday by other descendants of victims, including a cousin of Emmett Till, the black Chicago teenager killed in Mississippi 50 years ago, reportedly for whistling at a white woman. The FBI last week exhumed Till's body from a suburban Chicago cemetery to search for clues to his slaying.

Landrieu, in an interview, said lynching and mob violence were ``an American form of terrorism'' documented in at least 46 states. She said that now, when the United States is fighting a war against terrorism, was a good time to apologize for the past and ``remind ourselves that terrorism existed in the United States in different ways.''

According to Johnson, her great-great grandfather owned 427 acres of cotton land and was a community leader, starting a school for black children and a union for black farmers.

He was arrested after he accused a white buyer of cheating him by giving him less for his cotton than white farmers were receiving. Between 200 and 400 local residents and government officials hanged him from a pine tree and riddled his body with 200 bullets, she said. ------ On the Net: Landrieu: Doria Dee Johnson Web site: AP-CS-06-06-05 1833EDT�o

(Wow, no mention of the "Conscience of the Senate" in that whole story... He's seems to be someone who would be a topical addition regarding this Horrible Example of our Congress and Leadership over the years... Must just be me. - tha malcontent)

� Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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