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Clintons Lose Whitewater Appeal

By DEVLIN BARRETT (Direct descendent of Karl Marx! - tha malcontent)
Associated Press Writer Jul 15, 1:22 PM EDT

(AP) The federal government does not have to pay for the bulk of former president Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton's legal fees arising out of an independent counsel investigation into a failed Arkansas land deal, an appeals court ruled Tuesday.


(ap) - "The Federal Government does not have to pay...", that's one way to say it.  Another, would be to say that "the American Taxpayer does not have to pay..."  The arrogance of these people is mind-blowing even to this day.  They really expected the American people to foot the bill for an investigation that their own actions caused, and multiple people, including the former Lt. Governor to Bill Clinton, Jim Guy Tucker (D), were found to be guilty of Felonies in regard to Clinton's land deal?  By the way, Jim Guy Tucker (D) had to step down from the position of Governor after he was found Guilty of four Felony counts in relation to his dealings with the Clinton's and their White Water land deal.   Those of you thinking, "Whitewater was a waste of time and money and Ken Starr never "got" anyone", can just start being honest with yourselves right now, because I have just reminded you of what you erased from your mind because you are an absolutist Clinton apologist and are suffering from Intellectual Dishonesty in regard to the Crimes he committed, in office, and out.   And for those of you preparing to e-mail me with "Clinton is out of office, let it go!", you can save the keystrokes, because his Wife, HILLARY! was part of this deal, and she is currently a Senator/Carpetbagger from New York, along with the Fact that this was, and I repeat, WAS a main Wire story today.  As long as the "Free Press" makes those people an issue, either by protecting them, or by making the mistake of leaving a negative story on the Wire just long enough for me to grab it, then I will be here to give my opinion on it!... Deal with it!  Now, shall we continue, because this should be classic! - tha malcontent)

The Clintons had sought reimbursement for more than $3.5 million in lawyer costs stemming from the Whitewater probe, which lasted more than seven years and cost taxpayers $70 million.


(Now the AP refers to us... Gee, I wonder why?  If you give for inflation, how much did Iran/Contra cost the American Taxpayers?  That's what I thought!  Oh and don't get cranky at my going back in time for a comparison, I am sure that the AP will do it in a way that paints Reagan/Bush (41) in a less than positive light before this TRIPE is complete! - tha malcontent)

The Clintons were never indicted, but a 14-page decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia notes the independent investigation into Whitewater and other matters ultimately resulted in 24 indictments, at least 16 convictions and the president's impeachment.


(Clinton was also found "In Contempt of Court" for "Willfully Lying Under Oath" too AP!  Could we please have a breakdown of the 16 Convictions?  Oh, and one more thing, could I see a comparative list of the Convictions from the DemocRAT run Iran/Contra investigations, and how closely related to Reagan/Bush these people were?  I think I remember Iran/Contra ending just after Bush (41) left office in the early 90's... Nope, that was not a political witch hunt! - tha malcontent)

The special appeals panel was the same one that appointed Kenneth Starr to take over the investigation in 1994 and then authorized him to investigate matters surrounding White House intern Monica Lewinsky.


(Starr was appointed at the request of Clinton's Janet "Waco" Reno!  And how easily the AP refers to Clinton's Impeachment, Perjury and molestation of an unpaid intern in the Oval Office while discussing troop deployment in Bosnia with a Congressman, as "matters surrounding White House intern Monica Lewinsky"... Classic! - tha malcontent)

The couple's lawyer, David Kendall, issued a statement saying that former President Ronald Reagan was reimbursed for 72 percent of his legal costs stemming from the Iran-Contra investigation, and his vice president George Bush was reimbursed for 59 percent of his costs in the same matter.


(Reagan, nor Bush (41), LIED UNDER OATH and were therefore NOT found IN CONTEMPT OF COURT and then DISBARRED, as William the Liar was!... Figure it out! - tha malcontent)

The Clintons, Kendall said, were reimbursed for only 2 percent of their request for Whitewater costs.

"The facts and the numbers speak for themselves," said Kendall. "The good news is that the partisan Whitewater smoke-and-mirrors investigation is finally over."


(Former Governor of Arkansas, and CONVICTED FELON thanks to Bill's Whitewater, Jim Guy Tucker (D) sure doesn't think his 4 Felonies were smoke and mirrors!  But what can one expect from the mouth of Kendall anyway!  I can sure count on the AP to front it for him though! - tha malcontent)

Sen. Clinton's most recent financial disclosure forms show the couple owed between $1.7 million and $6.5 million in outstanding legal bills.


(What about the "Clinton Legal Defense Fund"?... What a DISGUSTING couple of louses these two Liars are! - tha malcontent)

The Clintons had asked to be reimbursed for the costs of responding to the Whitewater probe, arguing they would never have faced such an expensive, lengthy process if not for their positions as President and First Lady.


(Maybe if they did not lead direct business dealings that found their partners in said deals getting CONVICTED of FELONIES, they would have an argument!  Bill's aversion to telling the Truth while under oath did not help matters either! - tha malcontent)

The appeals court rejected that argument, ruling the Clintons would have been investigated with or without the appointment of an independent counsel, and therefore should pay the overwhelming majority of those legal costs.


(Yep... And what's more, they would have most likely been found Guilty on multiple counts if it had not been for their position of Power in the White House, and what that meant to their defense, and the monies they gained by being "popular" with Hollywood, while the "Free Press" reported sympathetically in their favor.  Had these two hacks still been in the Governor's Trailer in Little Rock, they may have found themselves sharing the cell with their former Lt. Governor, Jim Guy Tucker... And I know his sentence was suspended due to "Life threatening" health issues, so save it!  He is still alive and kicking the last time I checked... Shouldn't he be serving his time?  Yet another favor for a friend.  Just like the Child Molester Bill let out of prison... "The most ethical White House in History"! - tha malcontent)

"We harbor no doubt that in the absence of the independent counsel statute the allegations surrounding the Clintons, Madison Guaranty, and Whitewater would have been similarly investigated and prosecuted by the Department of Justice," the panel wrote.


(Maybe these two filthy individuals will fight it all of the way to the Supreme Court... That would be classic! - tha malcontent)

The Clintons can be reimbursed for $85,312.01 in legal fees relating to the review and response to the counsel's final report, because a federal prosecutor normally does not issue such a report, the judges ruled.

The ruling also found the independent counsel law was designed so that reimbursement for fees "should be difficult; that such fees will not be a common thing."

In 1996, Reagan was awarded $562,111 in legal fees after an appeals court said he had reason to believe he faced a "realistic possibility" of being indicted in the Iran-Contra investigation, which was led by an independent counsel. Reagan had sought over $777,000.

Bush was reimbursed $272,352 for his costs connected to the probe.


(Interesting, no comparisons of Convictions between the two... Curious.... And predictable.  Believe me, I want the Clinton's to stop being news more than anyone, so don't waste my time with "get over it" e-mails, thanks! - tha malcontent)

� Copyright 2003 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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