� in association with the Liberty Project� presents |� 17 Jul 2001 |
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ninth straight monthly decline, providing fresh evidence that the battered
industrial sector has been hurting since the economically incompetent Clinton
Administration was in office and squandered the great economy it inherited from
Bush (41) back in 1992 by virtue of having absolutely no economic agenda,
something William the Liar specifically campaigned on, but never
delivered." That's how that would have read if the facts and the
Truth were the main objective of the "Free Press" when
"informing" the people! Instead, we are being treated to
"talking the economy down" stories almost daily from the "Free
Press" that just happened to start around January 20th of this year... I
wonder what brought that on? "Remember staff, leave no stone unturned
when attempting to find more "evidence" of a declining economy"!,
said one unnamed Editor. - tha malcontent)
these industries were booming right now, we would be treated to how they
negatively effect the environment on the backs of minorities, women and
children, and how they do it because (P)resident Bush is in their back
pocket! Mark my words SHEEPle, when it happens, you heard it here first! -
tha malcontent)
"fall", "sank", "throttled back",
"sagging" and of course, "worst showing"... No agenda here,
you can all go home now, we are in a Depression and Bush Junior should be tried
for treason against the American people for his abject destruction of the
American economy in only 7 short months of being in office! Are you
"feeling the effects" yet?... PAH-LEEEEEEEEASE! - tha malcontent)
the big "R-word"... like father, like son! The "Free
Press" will talk this economy down to recession if it's the last thing they
do! - tha malcontent)
here is the man responsible for the slowdown. A little history lesson for
those of you with short attention spans, Alan Greenspan raised rates multiple
times in an effort to slow an economy that was bordering on "dangerously to
fast" in it's pace of growth. If you gots complaints, send them to Big
Al! - tha malcontent)
"decline", "sharpest decline", "fell",
"decline", "drop", "fell" and
"decline"... nice job "Free Press"! No one talks an
economy down quite like the "Free Press", especially when there is an
(R) occupying 1600 Pennsylvania! - tha malcontent)
takes a Bush in office to fester the word "recession" out of the
"Free Press". Of course, we were out of the last
"recession" in March of 1991, but come November of 1992, the American
people still didn't know about the record breaking growing economy they were
enjoying... not until about December of 1992! More evidence of my far
fetched "theory" that the "Free Press" is batting for the
DemocRATS! I know, it's a reach! - tha malcontent)
reference #3! - tha malcontent)
(And to top the propaganda off, we have recession reference #4! Quality work rewriting the latest DNC Talking Point into a "legitimate" news story "Free Press", I am impressed, as always! How do you keep up the vigil everyday, day after day? - tha malcontent)
Don't do what you're polled to do!� |
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"what have you done for Liberty today?"� is protected speech pursuant to the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and is faithfully enforced by tha malcontent via the Second Amendment to that same Constitution. Any reproduction or redistribution of this article will be seen as an awakening of a Patriot in this Great Republic by tha malcontent, and subsequently applauded! (copyrightwing 2001)�
an americanfreepress� organization 2001
the Liberty Project�
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