� in association with the Liberty Project� presents |� 20 Aug 2003 |
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ap /� Vs. �
- Yet another shinning example of the Left's Arrogance dribbling from one of the
most Arrogant of all of the Leftists... Soon-to-be FORMER, Gub'ner Gray-out
Davis! If the DemocRATS had any Shame, along with their lap-dog, the
"Free Press", they would be Honest about who it is that is calling for
the Recall of Davis... It is over a million Californians, you Lying
Bastards! Attempting to find cover in the "vast Right-wing
Conspiracy" TRIPE that HILLARY! failed to find cover in during the
Impeachment of her Business Partner/(h)usband, is more than a little
entertaining! And as for the Left's inability to from the the
2000 Electoral loss by their boy Algore Junior, well, that is even more
entertaining. I have seen some self-destructive actions in my day, but the
collective implosion of the American DemocRAT is something to behold! I
can't wait to read the rest of this stenographed whining on the part of yet
another (D) while he falls to his own actions and words and the demands of "the
people"! - tha malcontent)
job taking Responsibility for your first term as Gub'ner... While this Liar,
Gray Davis, has claimed that the national economy is failing because of Bush
(43) who has only been in office for 2 1/2 years, and came into office with an
economy that had declined to 0% by election 2000, and was officially in
Recession 40 days after Clinton/Algore Left!... Classic Dishonesty illustrated
by a Liar during a public address! - tha malcontent)
great example of someone who curses the court as he is sentenced for his crimes
by a jury of his peers! And a great example of how convinced the Left has
itself that it is right, while the majority of the information age public are
the one's who don't get it! - tha malcontent)
did someone from Gray's office write this? My commentary any further will
only be needless redundancy as the TRIPE contained in this DNC Talking Point, masquerading
as a news story, is sure to continue to be as it drones on and on... - tha malcontent)
have to add something to this pro-Davis TRIPE... The Brits cough up potentially
bad intel on Uranium, Africa and Saddam, which amounted to 16 words of a SOTU by
Bush (43), and the Left insisted Bush (43) admit he new it was bad, and take
personal responsibility for it, or he was a Liar and the entire Iraq War II was
not justified. Then we have Gray Davis, 2-time Gub'ner of California,
pointing the finger at everyone on the Right for everything wrong in his
DemocRAT state, while
claiming he has done a good job... The Left has never claimed to be Honest, or
do as they expect others to do, so Gray's inability to take responsibility for
his piss-poor performance as Gub'ner in over 2 terms, is no big surprise to Honest, thinking
people! Actually, it's as predictable as a Liberal crying about being
called a Liberal in the 21st Century! - tha malcontent)
should be some classic, expanded upon, redundancy on the part of the AP! - tha
Bush (43) won every LEGAL recount in 2000, and the Supreme Court put an end to
the illegal, 4 Liberal Counties out of 67 county, hand recount, that swarms of Lawyers that Algore
sent hither into Florida within 24 hours of the final casting of a vote in that
state to sue his way into the White House, and spit on the Constitutional
Electoral system that elects our Presidents! Sorry for the rantage... But
I am getting real tired of that Lie vomiting out of the mouth of the Left! - tha
(Tax the Rich....Some more!
Classic Liberalism with a dash of good old Karl Marx! - tha malcontent)
(Why does the AP refer to the
current day as if it is not today, but some other Wednesday? Why do they
not say today? By the way, Gray-out lost, and will of course, appeal! -
tha malcontent)
(These would be the same machines
used in last November's election win for Gray-out, and I do not remember any
lawsuits then?... Hmmm.... I wonder if there is any Race cards being played to
the lowest moral denominator? - tha malcontent)
(No mention of Gary
Coleman?... That's Racist AP! Thank God this one's over, I was getting
physically ill watching the AP bastardize their own mission statement for the
personal political gain of their own Party (D)! Madison is rolling in his
Grave! - tha malcontent)
Don't do what you're polled to do!� |
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