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Questions Linger Over Bush Memos


By ? (Direct descendent of Karl Marx! - tha malcontent)
Associated Press Writer Sept 13, 9:20 PM EDT

(CBS/AP) � Amid challenges from other news organizations and partisans, CBS News continued to defend itself over criticism stemming from documents it obtained that questioned President Bush's service in the Air National Guard.


(ap) -  "Amid challenges from other news organizations and PARTISANS...".  Yeah, we can tell the REPUBLICan Revolution making it's way into your Monopoly of Information, is getting on your Nerves, SeeBS!  Considering the Substance of the Allegations Against your Editor, Dan Rather (D), I would not go throwing around "Partisan" so loosely, you know what I'm saying!  Just so that we are clear right up front, the worst answer to these "questions" that the "Free Press" has been festering for over 4 years now, is that Lt. Bush (43) may have been a Mediocre Guardsman, and people with the Power, may have pulled some strings... Does this Shock any person with a pulse, even it's True?  How about the strings that J. Forbes Kerry had pulled to get out of Vietnam after "(s)uffering" 3 wounds that led to 3 Purple Hearts, one of which he requested even after his Doctor and Commander Denied him the Award, and none of which caused him a night's stay?  Kerry certainly seemed to gain almost immediate notoriety upon returning home after 4 short months of his Abbreviated Tour, a Tour he did not Realize was going to be Combat after he Opted for non-Combat Swift Boats, after his Guard Unit was called up, after his Deferment to Paris was Denied... More Strings pulled for Mr. Heinz-Kerry?  Anyway, the larger issue here is that it appears that CBS News may be distancing itself from Rather.  After this initial last ditch effort to Excuse the Inexcusable on the part of Dan Rather (D), CBS almost seems resigned to Admit that it's Mother, the Associated Press, is not buying Rather's (D), "The Memos are not Forged" story either.  We shall see what comes as the days pass. - tha malcontent

On "The CBS Evening News" Monday night, Dan Rather said his original report on "60 Minutes" used several different techniques to make sure the memos were genuine, including talking to handwriting and document analysts and other experts who strongly insist that the documents could have been created in the 1970s.

(Dan Rather (D) Refuses to disclose ALL Sources and Experts as of this Date - tha malcontent)

In addition to the forensic evidence, Monday's "Evening News" story said the original report relied on an analysis of the contents of the documents themselves and interviews with colleague's of the author to determine their authenticity. The new papers are in line with what is known about the president's service assignments and dates, CBS said.

(Dan Rather (D) Refuses to disclose ALL Sources and Experts as of this Date - tha malcontent)

For instance, CBS said, the official record shows that Mr. Bush was suspended from flying on Aug. 1, 1972. That date matches the one on a memo given to CBS News, ordering that Mr. Bush be suspended.

(The memos are Clearly in Question, and that is "in Question" by mainstream Sources such as the AP.  Dan Rather (D) needs to back his story up with more than the "memos in Question" and Sources who are falling faster than Iraqi Civilians during the Saddam Regime! - tha malcontent)

At question are memos that carry the signature of the late Lt. Col. Jerry Killian, who was the commander of Mr. Bush's Texas Air National Guard fighter squadron. They say Killian was under pressure to "sugar coat" Mr. Bush's record, and Mr. Bush refused a direct order to take a required medical examination and discussed how he could skip drills.

Raising one question, The Dallas Morning News said in a report for its Saturday editions that the officer named in a memo as exerting pressure to "sugar coat" Mr. Bush's record had left the Texas Air National Guard 1� years before the memo was dated.


("The Dallas Morning News"?...  Well, well, well... Why did Dan Rather's (D) crack team of Vetters not find this little nugget out about one of the star Witnesses?... Of course, the Witness cannot be contacted for comment as of today, and the memo that Dan Rather (D) is attempting to credit to him is under Question by everyone except the Handwriting Analyst that Rather (D) hired, and Rather (D) himself...  The memo was TYPED, not "handwritten", Dan!  Maybe it's time to Retire, Kenneth! - tha malcontent)

The newspaper said it obtained an order showing that Walter B. Staudt, former commander of the Texas Guard, retired on March 1, 1972. The memo was dated Aug. 18, 1973. A telephone call to Staudt's home Friday night was not answered.


("So what?"... Dan Rather (D) was heard Retorting under his breath. - tha malcontent

New York Times columnist William Safire wrote Monday that Newsweek magazine had apparently begun an external investigation: it names "a disgruntled former Guard officer" as a principal source for CBS, noting "he suffered two nervous breakdowns" and "unsuccessfully sued for medical expenses."


(Is this Newsweak biting the back of CBS, or am I imagining it? - tha malcontent)

The L.A. Times reported that handwriting analyst, Marcel Matley, who CBS had claimed vouched for the authenticity of four memos, vouched for only one signature, and no scribbled initials. The Times reports he has no opinion about the typography of any of the supposed memos.


(And the LA Times?... Dan Rather (D), what did you do to piss your Colleagues off?  Does it really take the LA Times to point out what Conservative Sources have been saying since hours after the program for it to gain Legitimacy?  How did CBS allow typed Documents to be aired that potentially Slander the President, without Vetting it through and Expert on Typography?... Oh yeah, a Collective Bias, I forgot. - tha malcontent

"60 Minutes" relied on the documents as part of a Wednesday segment � reported by Rather � on Mr. Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard from 1968 to 1973.

(Dan Rather (D) Refuses to disclose ALL Sources and Experts as of this Date - tha malcontent)

Former colleagues of Killian have since offered differing views on the authenticity of the documents.


(Maybe these "Colleagues" and Killian's family should have been contacted by Dan Rather (D) before the CBS Editor went to the Airwaves with this TRIPE! - tha malcontent)

Robert Strong, who appeared in the original segment, said after it aired that still did not see anything in the memos that made him think they were forgeries. Robert Strong noted he's not a forensic expert and isn't vouching for the documents.


("Robert Strong noted he's not a forensic expert and isn't vouching for the documents."... Maybe they should check with the printing Department at the local Office Depot next time!... Why is Mr. Strong's Opinion Relevant in this regard, SeeBS? - tha malcontent)

"I didn't see anything that was inconsistent with how we did business," Strong said in an interview. "It looked like the sort of thing that Jerry Killian would have done or said. He was a very professional guy."


("He was a very professional guy." ... Well that does it, Bush (43) is Guilty of High Treason and should Resign in the Morning... Pathetic! - tha malcontent)

Retired Col. Maurice Udell, the unit's instructor pilot who helped train Mr. Bush, said Friday he thought the documents were fake.

"I completely am disgusted with this (report) I saw on 60 Minutes,"' Udell said. "That's not true. I was there. I knew Jerry Killian. I went to Vietnam with Jerry Killian in 1968."


(According to the "Free Press" and their Abject unwillingness to Address J. Forbes on ANY issue regarding his Service, because he "went to Vietnam, and Bush (43) did not...", then I guess Udell is an unImpeachable Source... Case Closed. - tha malcontent)

Killian's son also questioned some of the documents, saying his father would never write a memo like the "sugar coat" one.

(Well, that sounds like one Military Source and the Son of the Supposed memo Author disagree with the one named Military Source who's Opinion agrees with the Agenda of Rather's (D) Story... Piss-Poor "(j)ournalism" at best!... - tha malcontent)

Several of the document examiners said one clue that the documents may be forgeries was the presence of superscripts � in this case, a raised, smaller "th" in two references to Guard units.

In a report on Friday's "Evening News,"Dan Rather, also reported that typewriters were available in the early 1970s which were capable of printing superscripts. CBS pointed to other Texas Air National Guard documents released by the White House that include an example of a raised "th" superscript.

That superscript, however, is in a different typeface than the one used for the CBS memos, according to some others who have soken up.


(I have no clue what CBS was attempting to relate when they posted "soken up"... It's not there now, and I can only let the reader make their own mind up about the Intent! - tha malcontent)

Document examiner Sandra Ramsey Lines of Paradise Valley, Ariz., who examined the documents for the AP, said she was "virtually certain" they were generated by computer.


("Virtually Certain"... And that's an AP Source. - tha malcontent)

Some forensic experts were quoted by news organizations, including The Associated Press, saying the memos appeared to have been computer-generated with characteristics that weren't available three decades ago.


("By News Organizations", and not simply "Partisans", as the story began?... For those of you who are either Dishonest or Ignorant, the "News Organizations" in America are so far beyond "Partisan", that it is Laughable to claim otherwise! - tha malcontent)

� Copyright 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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