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ap /� Vs. �
By ? (Direct
descendent of
Joseph Stalin!
- tha malcontent)
(ap) - Lacking even the bare
minimum of Evidence to support his Hysterical claims based solely in his deep
Love of himself, Jimmy Carter again has thrust himself into the Political Debate
via his always willing Accomplices in the "Free Press", led by the Washington
Post, and predictably parroted by the AP and others. Jimmy Carter was a
miserable President, but was once a good Man... No longer is he anything but a
Dishonest Hack Attack Dog for a Dieing Party! Who do we get to hear from next,
"Free Press"?... Maybe his Failure of a Vice President, Walter Mondale?... Or
maybe Michael Dukkakis?... The DemocRATS are in far worse shape than even I
would have imagined if this is what it has come to post the SeeBS ForgeryGate
Scandal! The only reason that Jimmy Carter is barking about this non-issue of
"Voting Problems", is so that the seeds of Doubt can be sewn into the fabric of
the Electorate in preparation for Kerry's loss. The only Honest problem that
happened in 2000 in Florida was the Deliberate and Orchestrated attempt to
Suppress overseas Military Ballots... This was done, as I reported when it
happened, by the DemocRATS, and there is documentation to back it up. This
silly "the GOP Suppressed the Black Vote" TRIPE is nothing but a fairy tail, and
all Independent and Objective studies done regarding this, show no concerted
effort by the GOP to Specifically Suppress the Black Vote, while by Contrast,
there is Documentation Proving that the DemocRATS went after the Military Vote.
By the way, if the DemocRAT Base in Florida would have been Intelligent enough
to figure out the same ballot that the REPUBLICans did not seem to have a hard
time with, and a ballot that was the standard for years before it, maybe they
could have delivered Florida for Algore! But of course, they are not, and did
not. - tha malcontent)
("Fact" and "Likely" are not
two words that work together well in an Honest setting, so why do you think this
coy Ex-POTUS would use them together?... Jimmy Carter will make no mention of
the DemocRATS attempts to negate the overseas Military Vote in Florida in 2000,
and that's all one needs to know when gauging what he is saying in this "opinion
piece". - tha malcontent)
(Punch-cards were not
"responsible for delaying the outcome of the race", Algore's Attorneys were!
Had Algore simply accepted the results of the Legal, Consistent and
Constitutional re-re-recounts, which ended up being echoed by the Inconsistent
and Patently Biased hand-recounting of the 4 most Liberal Counties in Florida
that Algore's Attorneys Chose to have Exclusively recounted differently than the
other 63 Counties were re-re-counted, there would not have been a delay! - tha
(Is Florida the only state
that does not meet Carter's "basic requirements"?... Of course it's not, but
"Florida" invokes Emotions in the DemocRAT Base, and that's what this is
designed to do! I am not surprised that Carter is doing it, I am just
Disappointed that the "Free Press" is once again Ignoring it's Constitutional
Responsibility and playing the Cheerleader role for him and his Party as they so
often do. - tha malcontent)
Harris want to hand-pick the most Conservative Counties in Florida for a
different recount that was not Mandated by the pre-election Rules?... No, that
would have been Algore and the DemocRATS attempting to pull that stunt! Harris
used the Standard as it was written Election day and applied it consistently
according to the Law. I love the "principles of fair and equal treatment" line
regarding the Vote. Is only hand-recounting 4 of 67 Counties, that just happen
to be the most DemocRAT, "fair and equal", Jimmy? - tha malcontent)
(Yes, and what we can tell by
this Main Wire story, the AP is more than happy to help Jimmy Carter with his
Obviously Partisan Quest of casting Doubt on the results in Florida, in the
hopes that it will Rally his and J. Forbes Kerry's Base on November 2nd! Way
too little, way too late, Mr. Carter! Listen really close to me, Mr. Peanut...
You are so Obviously over, that it would have made more sense for your Party to
dig up McGovern and prop his Corpse up to take on the Attack Dog role instead of
you! - tha malcontent)
Don't do what you're polled to do!� |
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