� in association with the Liberty Project� presents |� 1 Oct 2001 |
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back in early November, just following the attempted coup on the part of the
"Free Press" to turn 8 years of incompetent "leadership"
into 12, began reporting on the DNC
orchestrated attempts to
throw out as many military votes as possible knowing that the military votes
were historically heavily REPUBLICan. What's most entertaining about this
story is that the AP originally ran this Saturday 09.29.2001 at around ten
o'clock at night. I'm sure that there was no attempt to bury this story on
the part of the AP! It just so happens that that's when they got around to
"rushing it to the Wire"... a day and a half late! - tha malcontent)
myriad of voting problems"... Some of which, according to LYING DemocRATS,
were racist practices on the part of some polling places in certain
counties. The problem with these false assertions, aside from being
blatant lies designed to do nothing more seed false perceptions, is that the
counties in which the "racism" was accused were controlled by DemocRAT
canvassing boards. If there was racism, which there wasn't, it would have
been the fault of the party complaining! Then we have a factual example of
a group being discriminated against, the military, and the "Free
Presses" silence has been deafening! Is this getting any
clearer? I told most of you months ago that these crimes would come to
light one day. For those of you who don't know, the collective "Free
Presses" attempt to divine a vote for their boy, Algore Junior, post election came up empty. They
spent millions of dollars looking high and low in 4 heavily DemocRAT counties
and they finally admitted that Bush STILL WON! That story was buried also!
- tha malcontent)
heavily pro-REPUBLICan military vote was 7 times as likely to be thrown out
nationwide... Can you imagine if we were talking about the Black vote! - tha
WERE SENT IN BULK! The DemocRAT canvassing boards rejected them because
they did not have individual postage... A FIRST IN THE HISTORY OF FLORIDA'S
ELECTIONS! This is asinine! - tha malcontent)
beautiful, a DemocRAT gets the credit for asking for an investigation! - tha
about investigating the DemcoRATS in Florida on those canvassing boards who used
a DNC issued memo on how to disqualify ballots as to help Algore Junior!
paragraph translated out of the Liberal bias it was written in:
"After DemocRAT canvassing boards abused a law that was never used before
2000 to negate the votes of a group who would vote more in favor of the other
side, Florida revised it's law to allow for ballots that are sent in bulk mail
to be tied to the collective post mark of said bulk mail!" Seriously
people, this Newspeak makes my head hurt! - tha malcontent)
Don't do what you're polled to do!� |
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"what have you done for Liberty today?"� is protected speech pursuant to the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and is faithfully enforced by tha malcontent via the Second Amendment to that same Constitution. Any reproduction or redistribution of this article will be seen as an awakening of a Patriot in this Great Republic by tha malcontent, and subsequently applauded! (copyrightwing 2001)�
an americanfreepress� organization 2001
the Liberty Project�
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