� in association with the Liberty Project� presents |� 23 Oct 2002 |
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ap /� Vs. �
By JIM ABRAMS (Direct descendent of
Karl Marx! - tha malcontent)
- A "faltering economy"... Well, I beg to differ! We are going
to utilize the Facts and the Truth to shine some light on the LIES that are about to
be perpetrated on "the people" in this piece of DNC Talking Point masquerading
as "legitimate" and or "objective" economic Wire copy!
I think it is best to quote the AP on the Markets and how "poorly", or
NOT, that they are doing under a Bush (43) (A)dministration... "Analysts had expected the market to give back some of its advance, which over the past eight sessions boosted the Dow Jones industrials more than 1,200
points." In case you didn't know, William the Liar NEVER had a run as
good as the one in the previous 2 weeks in his entire 8 year filthing of
1600! Below are some of the current numbers from the U.S. Department of Labor -
Bureau of Labor Statistics on how "bad" our economy is doing and they
can be found at: Enjoy the Truth that the AP is unwilling to tell you as that
it hurts their Party's chances on the 5th! Instead the AP opts for FREE
commercial time for their Party to regurgitate unfounded assertions and blatant
lies while hiding, un-Constitutionally, behind the "Free Press" clause
of the First Amendment! Anyway, here are the FACTS... - tha malcontent) April 2002 6.0% May 2002 5.8% June 2002 5.9% July 2002 5.9% August 2002 5.7% September 2002 5.6% (The AP applauded Clinton and re-elected him with this percentage!)
(That's interesting... After the "Clinton/Algore Recession of 2001" was capped off by September 11th and the subsequent destruction of 1/10th of the nation's economic capital's office space, and 3000 human Lives, a Victory in Afghanistan and the DemocRAT party, along with the AP and it's minions beating on the economy on a daily basis, unemployment has actually progressed down to the numbers that "thrusted" Billy into a second term in 1996. Something tells me that a declining unemployment rate leading into an election cycle with a factually growing economy wasn't covered the same in 1996 as it is being covered today! Remember, we are "suffering" right now according to the DemocRATS and their "Free Press"! That reminds me, in October of 2000, after 8 or 9 months of economic declines in the final year of Clinton/Algore, the "Free Press" continued to tell us that the economy was robust, knowing full well that it was teetering on Recession... The very Recession that came one short month after Billy and Fatalbert left office! Me thinks the AP is choosing sides and them's not supposed to be doing such things! - tha malcontent)
April 2002 $ 14.68 May 2002 $ 14.70 June 2002 $ 14.75 July 2002 $ 14.78 August 2002 $14.82 September 2002 $14.87 (What's the minimum wage again?)
don't believe it! You mean salaries are increasing too?!? I would
have never guessed! As far as I was concerned, "soup lines" were
forming and I was getting ready to go get in line! I was starting to think
that it was going to get as bad as the "Great (r)ecession" of 1990/91
that we all "suffered" through for two quarters!... Yep, that would be
sarcasm! It amazes me that the AP and the DemocRATS are so easily able to
LIE through their teeth about the economy when they have the numbers at their
disposal that refute their LIES!... If the SHEEPle weren't so generationally
indoctrinated by these Marxist Tryrants! Little Dick and the AP might as
well accuse Bush (43) of orchestrating the 11th, it would be as honest as what
they are doing right now in regard to the economy! Here are some more numbers that are
much too complicated for a populace who can't even name their own Vice (P)resident to
understand, but I will document them anyhoo!
+0.2% in Sep 2002 /
Unemployment Rate:
5.6% in Sep 2002 /
Payroll Employment:
-43,000(p) in Sep 2002 /
Average Hourly Earnings:
+$0.05(p) in Sep 2002 / PPI:
+0.1%(p) in Sep 2002 / ECI:
+1.0% in 2nd Qtr of 2002 /
+1.5% in 2nd Qtr of 2002 /
U.S. Import Price Index:
+0.7% in Sep 2002 -
tha malcontent)
they're not Dick, but if you and your "Free Press" repeat a LIE loud
enough, and long enough, it may just become reality! - tha malcontent)
absolute failure"? 5.6% unemployment wasn't a "failure" in
1996 when it was a (D) @ 1600! The simple answer is, Dick is a Liar and
the AP is aiding and abetting. - tha malcontent)
are around THREE years into the economic "stumble" AP and you know this! It
FACTUALLY began in March of 2000 when your boys Billy and Algore were still at
the reigns! ST-ST-ST-ST-STOP LYING! "They're bitin' what
they're writin'... God it's great bein' the King!" - The Ruler's back! - tha
is not a "contention"... It is documented as compared to the previous
3 administrations! Again, a FACT that the AP is more than aware of, but
refuses to inform "the people" properly about, knowing that it can only
hurt their DemocRATS on the 5th! - tha malcontent)
Hastert is the Speaker?!?... I am shocked, SHOCKED! And all this time I
thought it was Dick's House! Do you smell that DemocRATS? It's
sarcasm again! - tha malcontent)
rephrase that statement so that it reflects the Truth, shall we! "The
DemocrRATS STOLE the Senate by a single vote" with one traitorous Jimmy-Jammy
Jeffords (i) shortly after his state elected him a REPUBLICan, all for the sake
of a Committee Chair that he was to lazy to EARN from the Party that elected
him! Jimmy, Uncle Tom, you can kiss my lily white, sizable, cracker ass,
right along with the rest of you Leftists in the DemocRAT Party and the
"Free Press"! -
tha malcontent)
(It's kind of cute how Little Dick and the DemocRATS try to play "Enron" as the boogie man! Hold me, I'm scared! - tha malcontent)
break down the Marxism, shall we! 1.) "If Democrats win the
House": The BIG "if"! 2.) "They will try to revitalize the economy with short-term investments in school construction and other vital
needs..." This is also known as a "tax increase" for the
DemocRATS to "take from the haves and give to the have-nots" in
exchange for votes! 3.) "One-time rebates and tax cuts for families and for company
investment..." Little Dick's definition of family does not include
ALL families, this is FACT! Only those families that are most likely to be
dependent on the 40-50 years of DemocRAT oppression and tyranny, also known as
the Great Society! 4.) "A long-term plan to balance the federal
budget..." The "balanced budget" was only possible after the 1994
REPUBLICan Revolution. The DemocRATS were drug kicking and screaming to
that one, and then when it worked, like Welfare Reform also did, they act as if
they supported it... Because they are LIARS! 5.) "Protections for people's pensions..."
This smells of "HILLARY!Care", but for the Fed to control
Corporations! Do I hear Stalin speaking from the tomb? 6.) "And an increase in the minimum
wage." Again, what is the minimum wage? I know that the
"average" wage in America is about Fid-een dolla an ow-a! The
"minimum wage increase" argument is about throwing crumbs to the Slaves on the
part of the DemocRATS! The sick thing is, the peasants continue taking the
crumbs and staying on the Plantations obediently! It is really pretty sad
when you consider that the Plantation's doors have been wide open in America for
a very long time now! Some people must not want to be Free I guess! - tha
he, or any other politician for that matter, is going to say otherwise!...
PAH-LEEEEEEASE! Giving this ink is pathetic AP! - tha malcontent)
sit down and shut up Dick! No one, I repeat NO ONE spent more time on the
campaign trail in the history of the Presidency than did William the Liar!
Just because Bush (43) is better at it, in a shorter time, is no reason to act
as if he is better or worse than any other CIC when it comes to campaigning...
Except that Bill never took a break for 8 years straight! Not even during
Impeachment! For the record, Clinton did not visit the World Trade
Center after the 1993 bombing, but he was fundraising during that time, post
election! Where was Little Dick then?... Getting the kneepads and
re-applying the chap stick, that's where! Have a nice day children! - tha malcontent)
Don't do what you're polled to do!� |
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"what have you done for Liberty today?"� is protected speech pursuant to the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and is faithfully enforced by tha malcontent via the Second Amendment to that same Constitution. Any reproduction or redistribution of this article will be seen as an awakening of a Patriot in this Great Republic by tha malcontent, and subsequently applauded! (copyrightwing 2000, 2001, 2002)�
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