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FBI: Surge in Crimes Against Muslims 

(Direct descendent of Joseph Stalin! - tha malcontent)
Associated Press Writer NOVEMBER 25, 11:23 ET 

AP) � Hate crimes surged last year against people of Islamic faith and those of Middle Eastern ethnicity in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, the FBI reported Monday.

(ap) - SHOCKING!  This is wrong on so many levels, that I don't even know where to start!  First and foremost, who defines and labels a crime as a "hate crime"?  James Byrd, a Black man, was killed by White men... His friends by the way, over drugs, and everyone calls that a "hate crime".  This is a very slippery slope... No "hate crime" intended there of course!   What this comes down to is that 1 in 100,000,000 Americans, that would be 3, killed an Arab in 2001... EVEN AFTER THE 11TH FOR GOD'S SAKE!  This is not some frightening trend, it is a very reasonable number considering how Islamists react around the World to editorials.  In days hundreds are murdered in Nigeria because of someone's opinion in a paper.  Where is the outcry?... That's what I thought!  Well, let's get on with it then! - tha malcontent)

Incidents targeting Muslims, previously the least common involving religious bias, increased from just 28 in 2000 to 481 in 2001 � a jump of 1,600 percent.

(300 Million people in this country and only 481 idiots surfaced after the 11th... I'd say compared to the Nigerian riots in recent days which have caused hundreds of the deaths so far, this paints a good picture of the American people at large.  But those who hide behind the Arab plight to forward hatred for Jews would disagree! - tha malcontent)

Hate crimes directed against people because of their ethnicity or national origin � those not Hispanic and not black � more than doubled from 354 in 2000 to 1,501 in 2001. This category includes people of Middle Eastern origin or descent, the FBI says.

(But then there are these numbers that the Left ignored... - tha malcontent)

FBI: Crime Up First Time in Decade 

(Direct descendent of Karl Marx! - tha malcontent)
Associated Press Writer OCTOBER 29, 1:22 ET

AP) � The number of U.S. crimes rose last year for the first time in a decade, an increase that coincided with an economic downturn that many experts say played a key role. Murder, armed robbery, rape and burglary all were higher in 2001, the FBI reported Monday.

(ap) - Of the 3,644 "one on one" White murder victims in 2001, 3,059 were murdered by Whites while 475 were murdered by Blacks. Of the 3,087 "one on one" Black murder victims in 2001, 180 were murdered by Whites while 2,802 were murdered by Blacks. Considering that, according to the Census in 2000, of the 274,595,678 race responses, Whites comprise 75.1% of the population while Blacks comprise only 12.3%. These crime numbers must be evaluated by ratio to come to an accurate conclusion in regard to race and how it relates to murder. According to these numbers, Whites are six times the population of Blacks in America. If we take the 475 Black on White murders and multiply that by six times, we come up with a by ratio number of 2850 Black on White murders. This means that Blacks are nearly 16 times more likely to kill Whitey than Whitey is likely to kill them! The reason the "Free Press" is ignoring these numbers, is because it does not support their "White oppression of Blacks" agenda that bleeds out their copy on an almost daily basis. Had these numbers been reversed, it would have been the news of the century! We would have had calls for new "Hate Crimes" legislation and back to back Network programs on the predatory White Male and his stalking of the inner city Black youth along with "Inside the KKK", tonight on 48 Hours and the like. But, instead, the raw numbers don't paint the Black community well, so the "Free Press" buries it... Surprise, surprise! Just in case you Marxists think I am making this up, the FBI's numbers can be found at:, while the Census info is at For those of you who are calling me a racist for doing this piece, it's time you opened your eyes to the Truth. If there is a need for "Hate Crimes" legislation, it's not for the reasons you people have been asserting! Your White Liberal Guilt has blinded you to the reality that you and yours are responsible for creating and fostering for the past 5 decades! - tha malcontent)

The increases, according to the report, happened ``presumably as a result of the heinous incidents that occurred on Sept. 11'' of 2001.

(Yes they did. And the numbers will return to their normal lows and barking dogs will bark no more. They will find a new subject to "feel" about! - tha malcontent)

Overall crime motivated by hate rose just over 17 percent from 2000 to 2001, from 8,063 to 9,730 incidents. Part of the increase, however, is a result in an increase in the number of law enforcement agencies voluntarily supplying hate crime data to the FBI from year to year.

(And then there's this nugget... - tha malcontent)

Trial in Brutal Killings Grips Kan. 

By Roxana Hegeman
(Direct descendent of Joseph Stalin! - tha malcontent)
Associated Press Writer OCTOBER 15, 07:45 ET

AP) �� The grim details of how two brothers allegedly committed a nine-day crime rampage that left five people dead are being closely monitored by a community that is still shaken nearly two years after the slayings and more than a month into the brothers' murder trial. 

(ap) - Ain't "Nuthin' but a "G" Thang" AP VII! Can I assume that the AP means "African American, and or "Black" when they use the term "brothers"? Of course, these two ANIMALS are physically siblings, so I know that the AP is not referring to their ethnicity as they did with a sadistic redundancy from 1991 to present day with the "King beating". This is from an AP story titled: " The Legacy of Rodney King", on March 3rd of this year, and I might add, posted at the top of the main Wire, we have this piece of race-baiting TRIPE!: "Mere mention of the 1991 beating causes those in power to cringe as they recall the morning the city awoke to a chilling video of the black motorist being clubbed and kicked over and over by four white police officers as he writhed in agony on the ground." AP writer Linda Deutsch goes the hell out her way to make the King incident an issue of racism, as the AP did back in 1991 along with all of it's children in the "Free Press", refusing to acknowledge that King was not simply a "Black motorist", he was in the commission of a crime and before he was on the ground, he attacked the officers and refused to submit even after 2 tazer shots while his Black passenger was left unharmed! To clarify, where the AP is incapable, due to their own collective "White Liberal Guilt", the two ANIMALS on trial currently in Kansas are Black, and all of their victims were White. You have heard next to nothing about this case due to the fact that the accused, murderous, rapist Sodomists are young Black males, and their victims were all White. If the race roles were reversed, the AP would be tripping all over itself to post this at the top of main Wire daily. Instead, like the stories about the Black animals in Chicago and Milwaukee who brutally murdered their own in DemocRAT "Great Society" Ghettos, or Miss Chante Mallard who ran down a White homeless man, drove him home and left him to die impaled in her windshield in her garage, this story was not even posted on the Wire. I had to find it through an AP affiliate. It must really be a miserable existence to be as self-loathing and dishonest as the majority of the White employees appear to be over at the AP! Memo to the AP: If my mentioning race in this case makes me a "White Supremacist", as you weakly attempt to insinuate later in this story, then what does your injecting race into "White on Black" events make you? - tha malcontent)

There were just over 12,000 victims of hate crimes in 2001, with 46 percent of those targeted because of their race. There were 2,899 bias crimes against 3,700 black victims, by far the largest single category.

(Are there White victims of "Hate"?  According the FBI's numbers from the story above, Blacks are 16 times more likely to kill Whites... Is that "hate"? - tha malcontent)

The majority of incidents were against individuals, including 10 murders, four rapes, 2,736 assaults and 3,563 cases of intimidation. There were more than 3,600 property crimes as well, all but a few incidents of vandalism or destruction. 

Most incidents against Muslims and people of Middle Eastern ethnicity also involved assaults and intimidation, but there were three cases of murder or manslaughter and 35 arsons.

(3 murdered in the year of the 11th... Hundreds are being killed in Nigeria over a statement in a newspaper that offended Muslims as we speak! - tha malcontent)

Whites made up the vast majority of known offenders for all cases, at 6,054, followed by blacks at 1,882.

(Gee, that's surprising. I wonder if the Witchita "BOYS" are part of the 1882? - tha malcontent)

The 2001 hate crimes report was drawn from 11,987 law enforcement agencies around the country, up from 1,160 agencies in 2000.


(Gee, the source is 10 times larger now.  I am sure that it's objective too! - tha malcontent)


� Copyright 2002 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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