� in association with the Liberty Project� presents |� 31 Dec 2003 |
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ap /� Vs. �
- Let's end the year on a Positive note, shall we!... Memo to the whining American Left: "New Jobless Claims Lowest of Bush
Tenure"... That means since Clinton... Get it? We have not been in the Clinton/Algore Recession since the Fall of 2001... Get it?
8.2% Growth... Get it? 1/3 Million new jobs in the last Quarter... Get it?
2 years of Economic Expansion post Clinton... Get it? 5.9% unemployment, down from 6.4% at it's peak, which ALWAYS follows Recessions... Get it?
Clinton was reelected with nearly the same "improved" unemployment rate... Get it?
The Economy is improving in spite of the Left's Dishonest attacks against it in the hopes of harming Bush (43).
Say "Jobless Recovery" again, and then say, "Unilateral War" again... Look for every small negative number that you can find and
front it as if it is "Recession" again... Please!, it entertains me in ways that I cannot put into words!
I am on the record in the 90's, and I never talked the Economy down, because I never put the Economy on Clinton, and in my opinion, it's a Dishonest
Tactic to do so in the first place, as that the President has very little to do with an economy that 300 million people live in... Except to let them keep more of THEIR money, of course!
My comparisons to the "Clinton Economy", as it were, are only to show the inconsistency of the Left's complaining in the current day, and the Truth about when it started, and when it ended.
The longest period of Economic Expansion in History: March of 1991 to March of 2001.
Clinton was in office from: January of 1993 to January of 2001... Get it? Recessions don't become Recessions over a period of 40 days... It takes about a year of Slowdown, which began in March of 2000... Clinton's final year, by the way.
This is not unlike the lack of complaining about Bosnia without UN approval, or "pre-emptive strikes" against Iraq during Impeachment...
2004 is going to be one of the Greatest years in politics in History... For my side.
But I have a Sympathetic shoulder for you guys, as that I have been there when my Party is going
astray! - tha malcontent)
Don't do what you're polled to do!� |
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an americanfreepress� organization 2000-2003
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