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malcontent random thoughts - October 2009



10.22.2009: Momma always said...


(ap) - If you can't say something nice... KEEP YOUR BIG TRAP SHUT! <To any given Ni Hao Kai-lan song.  If you have little ones, you know what I'm talking about.



10.18.2009: Tabidy Tweeps


(ap) - The Angel that was sent straight down from Heaven to us, also known as our Daughter, is clinically paranoid of "Tabidies"...  And that makes her a good bwusher!



10.13.2009: Superman was always on his Mind... He was always on his Mind...


(ap) - Random and Anonymous Thought Post to my Site:  13 Oct 2009 / Time:  08:13:59 Comments: Convinced that the history in this alternate universe was in fact a predestined time loop that would eventually repeat itself, the Question decides the only way to derail this possible future permanently is to kill Luthor himself, before he can become president and before Superman can kill him.


10.12.2009: Some things I've Learned on my Day Off with Sick Kids...

(ap) - My 15 month old Son likes to act like he's Reading with his 4 year old Sister...


Yo Gabba Gabba is Influenced by Acid...

Rachel got some Odd Titties for the Adorable little Doll that she is...

Totinos Pizza is Enjoyed by my Children as much as it was by me when my Dad gave it to me...

I have a Hell of a LOT of Dirty Jeans... Well, they were, they are in the Dryer now.

And of course, I like Naps...

I would like to Take a Nap at my Office EVERY day...




10.09.2009: "Changin' Da' Butt, doo, do, doooo..."

(ap) -  Since my Daughter was in Diapers I have Sung, "Changin' the Butt, doo, do, doooo..." to the Tune of EU's "Da' Butt".  This Tradition has been Passed onto my Son, and the Daughter Assists in the Singing these Days... One Day, WAY down the road in their Lives, the "Oldies" Station is going to Play the Original, and they are going to be Confused as to why they are Thinking of Diapers.



10.02.2009: Newsweak must've been like Hustler back in the Day!


(ap) - "The Kind of Girl you Read about in Newsweak Magazine?" For the Love of God, what was Rick James reading in Newsweak? I've heard that Song since I was a Kid, and I just Realized that Line. Time to do some Research.



10.01.2009: An Angel was Talking to me this Morning


(ap) - So as I was getting ready to come into my Office this morning at around 2:30 or so, my Daughter had crawled into our Bed next to the Wife and called me in... I asked her what she needed and she called me closer and said in her Angelic voice: "You need to get some rest, Daddy." She is so Sweet, it's beyond words.





tha malcontent



(All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)

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