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malcontent random thoughts - October 2010



10.29.2010: Stickin' a Tongue out like Jordan!


(ap) - My 2-year-old Son be stickin' a tongue out like Jordan on the L's in words like roll-up and marshmallow... Cutest damned thing...



10.28.2010: Don't read this Random Thought... Seriously...


(ap) - A paper cut across the eye... Now try getting that out of your head...



10.27.2010: Coughin' Farts... Better than the Coffin Farts...


(ap) - You've heard of the Walkin' Farts in the People who have a Case of the Old?...

Well, I have this Bitch-Bastard of a Head Cold and last night I had a Coughin' Fit which was joined by a Patch of Farts...

Kids thought that was the Funniest thing......

"You tooted!... Daddy tooted!"

So that was me, Coughin', Fartin' and then Laughin' at my Kids Laughin' at me...

Of course, I Blamed it on the Wife.

True Story!



10.14.2010: Elvis had a Dream...


(ap) - So know there's Bayer AM... A Painkiller for those who can't quite get up from their Tylenol PM the night before.  I wonder if Viagra is going to start doing AM/PM pills?...



10.02.2010: Sasha Grey: The Real Life Nappy Dug Out


(ap) - As absurd as "Givin' Up The Nappy Dug Out" was at the time, it Perfectly Describes Sasha Grey!... True Story!... Don't believe me?... Google both.






tha malcontent



(All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)

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