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a malcontent rant 1.11.11



Has the Definition of Rightwing Nut Changed?...

By tha malcontent
ap/afp Editor in Chief January 11,
6:35 AM MST

(ap) - If I am to Understand the Left from over the Weekend and their Hysterical Reaction to the Shooting/Wounding of a Democrat US Congresswoman and the Murder of a Republican Judge, I would have to Conclude that Rightwing Nuts that follow Sarah, Rush and Glenn Beck are as Follows:

They are Young...

They are without Wife and Children...

They are Living with their Parents...

They are into Heavy Metal...

They are into Drugs...

They want Marijuana to become the US Currency...

They have Friends who mostly think they are Liberal and Philosophical as opposed to Conservative... Cause they are sneaky and hide their real Conservativeness from those around them!

They collect reading Material such as the Communist Manifesto...

And of course, Rightwing Nuts ALWAYS have Shrines made of Skulls...

That's ALWAYS been a given though... It's what they Worship while jammin' to some Cannibal Corpse while doing Drugs!

Here's the Face of the New Rightwing in the United States:

^I bet MONEY that he was a Rush 24/7 Subscriber and no doubt Voted for McCain/Palin in 2008 as a Registered Independent.

The only thing that this Doucher has that fits the Leftist Narrative about Rightwing Nuts is is that he is White and Male... He's not even Fat... But he is recently Bald... Haven't figured out if he did that to himself or if the Sheriff down there in AZ did it to Assist in his own Narrative and Obvious Hatred of the Right.

But wasn't the Beltway Sniper also White before he was Actually Caught and found out to be Black and Muslim?...

Yeah, the "Free Press" stopped harping on his Profile once that was found out about the Sniper... 

Kind of like how the AP has suddenly stopped mentioning Sarah Palin in every story now that everyone Knows some FACTS about this Psychopath instead of just what the Sheriff with a Hardon for Rush wants it to be in his Fantasy World.

Wasn't this "kid" having Issues with the Law in this Sheriff's Jurisdiction back before Sarah was even Known Nationally?... That's right, he was.

Is this Sheriff trying to Shift Blame with his Obsessive Finger Pointing?...


Anyway... Now you know what to look for when Profiling Rightwing Extremists.

Carry on.




tha malcontent



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