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a malcontent rant 01.14.2011



Calls for Civility are Really more about Silencing Political Opposition

By tha malcontent
ap/afp Editor in Chief January 14,
4:55 AM MST

(ap) - Here's why I say that...

Heavy Metal or Sarah Palin?...

There is ZERO Evidence that he was Motivated by Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, Rush Limbaugh or the Collective Right or even was Familiar with any of them... To the Contrary, his Best Friend said he was the Polar Opposite of it.

But let's say they found that he had Visited Sarah's Site...

We do Know that he did in FACT like Heavy Metal...

So let's Hypothetically Compare the (2).

Sarah's Infamous Webpage:


^That's nothing like DemocRAT Representative Mitchell's Ad Against JD Hayworth (R):

Putting a Target on your Opponents Person?... Pretty Direct as Compared with the District by District Map of Sarah's...

But forget that, that's simply the Perfect Example that this is a Dishonest Attack on the Part of the DemocRATS and the Left...

Let's stick with the Hypothetical...

The Shooter was a Heavy Metal Fan... Not Hypothetical, but a Fact.

Some Heavy Metal for the Anti-Government Types like our Shooter?...

CoC's Vote with a Bullet:


Don't Believe me?...


But there's also the Possibility he was into Rap... Since the Hypothetical has been the Motivation behind the Left Attacking Sarah and the Right since Saturday, let's look at some Rap as Compared with her Webpage:


^PE all but Calling for Assassination in Arizona...

Can anyone Honestly say, that even if this Psycho had gone to Sarah's Webpage, that he would have been influenced to Shoot anyone of those DemocRATS "Targeted" by District?...

Would it be Safe to Say that either CoC or PE would have been a Larger and MUCH More Direct Influence on this Shooter or other People who might Listen to it?

Now to the Censorship part... DemocRATS are Considering how to Legally Solve this Problem they have Created in their own Minds...

One Suggestion I am Certain would be to Ban the "Uncivil" type of Politicking that they Believe led to this Shooting.

Why haven't they at least Condemned things like CoC or PE's Direct Calls for Political Assassination over the years?

Because they Hide like Cowards behind "Free Speech" and look the other way when People on the Left Actually Call for Assassination...

This isn't about this Shooter... It isn't about this Congresswoman...

It's about the Left using this Tragedy to Silence their Opposition, and that's why they have Directed their Attacks since this Shooting MORE at Sarah and Rush than they have the Psycho who Actually Killed and Injured People.

Give it some Thought...

Where is the Anger at the Shooter from the Left since Saturday?...

If there is any, it's been Drowned out by Anger @ their Political Opponents.

Civility in Deed.




tha malcontent



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(All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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