a malcontent
Like Rush, Obama's AP is also Wrong to Politicize
tha malcontent
Editor in Chief
January 15...
12:55 PM MST
(ap) - Here's Obama's Cheerleading
Squad Also Known as the Associated Press:
Analysis: Obama heeding lessons of Katrina
The Associated Press Friday, January 15, 2010; 2:33 PM
WASHINGTON (AP) - This is what
President Barack Obama wants people to think about the U.S. reaction to the
catastrophe in Haiti: It will not be another Hurricane Katrina.
...And because the stain of Katrina is not gone.
Taking Dishonest and Abjectly Selective Shots at the Previous Administration
that Barry just asked to Help him in Haiti makes the AP just as Bad as Rush on
this issue of Politicizing this Tragedy.
WAY Down in this White House Talking Point Memo by the AP, the AP Finally
Concedes SOME Reality about Katrina:
George W. Bush paid a huge price when America watched,
in horror, as New Orleans was drowning and governments
at all levels were slow to respond.
Now Obama has tasked Bush, along with fellow former President Bill Clinton, to
lead the private fundraising efforts to help Haiti and its people recover. The
three of them will meet at the White House on Saturday.
If only Liberals could be Honest about Katrina and what it was...
As for Comparing Haiti to Katrina, it's a Terrible Analogy.
America responds to tsunami catastrophe
Editor's note: Readers must keep at least two things in mind. First, the
distances involved in the Pacific and Indian Ocean areas are enormous. It takes
time to move things across these distances. Second, be careful when complaining
about the amount of dollars in aid the US is contributing. These numbers,
currently at $350 million, do not include the billions involved in the
commitment of military resources that are being employed for this humanitarian
mission. No one else in the world is providing the kind of lift being provided
by the US.
Even though the US Media Gleefully Parroted the Bush Haters about his Response
to the Tsunami and his "Stinginess", it was Obviously an Untrue Criticism as is
Illustrated above, not only with the Reference to the $350 Million that had been
Directly Contributed, but also the Cost of our Military and other Aid that are
Pictured in that Link.
There is a Reason that Barry's AP is Fixating on Katrina, and it's because there
is an Incorrect Perception about the things that didn't go Right in the Response
and that they are (43)'s Fault Solely.
If the AP was being Honest, they would Analyze the US Response to the Tsunami as
Compared to the Response to Haiti.
Personally, I don't Think it's an Appropriate to be doing ANY of this
But the AP has been Lacking in Shame for MANY a Year.
tha malcontent
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