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a malcontent rant 02.29.2004



Will the Left ever get over 2000?


By tha malcontent (Direct Descendent of the Founding Fathers! - tha malcontent)
ap/afp Editor in Chief
February 29, 12:10 ET


(ap) - Ah yes, rehashing the 2000 Elections... A new DemocRAT pastime in a post Clinton era!

It's funny, only DemocRATS in Florida seemed to have a problem with the ballot... I wonder why that is?

The DemocRAT Party sure didn't mind having a Texas telemarketing firm on hand ready to make calls to elderly DemocRATS in Florida and plant the seed of Confusion in their heads, baiting them to make calls to officials, while the willing media waited for their chance to report on the "(c)ontroversy"...

All the while, Algore had "sent hither swarms" of his Lawyers to create a dangling Chad debate, because in the end, he was a "Sore/Loserman"!

The media, on the other hand, had a hell of a time figuring out that Florida has 2 time zones, hence the VNS called Florida for Algore Junior, well before the Conservative panhandle was finished voting.

The Television media painted this as a sure loss for Bush (43), and in my opinion, suppressed REPUBLICan voting in the remaining 3 times zones, all of the way to rush hour traffic in Cali.

The VNS has since been dismantled, and the usual suspects went running in to the shadows, like the RATS that they are.

The AP is at the top of that list, having claimed the moral high ground for being the only member of the VNS to not call the election for Bush (43), who in the end, never lost a recount, and is currently our Commander in Chief, regardless of what they were wishing for!

No, the AP proudly made the inaccurate call of Florida for Algore, well before the final vote was cast in that state, but they are sure to let you know that they withheld their call for Bush (43), I think all of the way to inauguration... That was 40 days before the Clinton/Algore Recession officially started, by the way!

And to this day, the media's tone bleeds of contempt for Bush (43)'s Presidency... As does the tone of the DemocRATS base, and it's "leaders"... With exception to a couple of months just after early September of 2001, that is!

I guess the fear has worn off since then.

It's a good thing we have a President that took the War to our enemies backyard, and away from our Civilian population, as to let those who Willfully took the job of War, do the job of War.

The alternative would have Left us still in front of the UN asking for permission to protect ourselves, and attempting to fight this battle in the Courts...

The Left's home away from home.

The Fact that Bush (43) has made the Left safe enough, post 9-11, to attack him Politically, could be his biggest problem come this fall...

But not a big enough problem for the 20% in the middle to hand the reigns over to John F'ing Kerredy, or the Breck Gurl!

The Voters in this nation are rarely moved by baseless complaints.

If the Left has something to offer, aside from everything Bush (43) has done is a "miserable failure", then they had better start presenting it to us.

A 5.6% unemployment rate, down from 6.4% at the peak of the damage from the Clinton/Algore Recession, along with the two strongest consecutive quarters of growth in two decades, does not bode well for the DemocRATS who want Bush (43)'s job!

And regardless of how many times the Left repeats it, Iraq II is not a failure, and the American people will be sure to clarify their view of that subject this November, don't worry!


tha malcontent


(All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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