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a malcontent rant 03.09.2005



CBS Rather Special Skips Clinton Years


By tha malcontent (Direct Descendent of the Founding Fathers! - tha malcontent)
ap/afp Editor in Chief
March 9, 08:15 ET

(ap) - Tonight's SeeBS Special on Dan Rather's (D) Career jumped from his going at it with Nixon, then to going at it Bush (41), then to the Gulf War, and then suddenly, we are at the 11th...

It's funny, but Nixon was not Impeached, Clinton was.

The problem is, by comparison, SeeBS could not find anything but sucking face between Rather (D) and the Clinton's for 8 years!...

Towards the end of the program, SeeBS threw in a segment of one of these love-fests where Rather (D) reminds Clinton that the History books will read that he was Impeached...

Rather (D) almost seemed Ashamed to have to say it out loud in front of his Hero.

In all, 8 years of Clinton, the lack of interest in "Investigating" that White House, and everything that took place, all but Ignored not only by Rather (D) while it happened, but also in his parting Tribute this evening.

A fitting Finale to a Career Infested with Bias.


Rather (D) went after Nixon, Bush (41) and Bush (43) with a zeal that negates any label of Objective Journalism that could be put on him...

He sucked-face with Clinton for 8 years and perpetuated the Excuse that Felony Perjury, or as the Federal Court put it, "Willfully Lying under Oath", regarding the Sexual Abuse of an unpaid Intern his Daughter's Age, in the Oval Office, while discussing Troop Deployment with a United States Congressman, was simply a "Sex Scandal" that was a "Personal Issue"...

There is one thing for sure...

We won't have Dan Rather (D) to kick around any more!

Apologies to Nixon, of course!

I'm tha malcontent... And that's the way it is!

No Apologies to Uncle Walt and the rest of the Propaganda Wing of the DemocRAT Party... SeeBS!


tha malcontent

(All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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