malcontent rant�
US Military Casualties in Iraq down 68% in (6)
tha malcontent
Descendent of the Founding Fathers! - tha malcontent)
in Chief March 21,
10:50 AM MST
(ap) - Let's take a look at US Casualties in Iraq
over the past 6 months, something the "Free Press" has Apparently been Ignoring
for some Unknown Reason now for a couple of months:
As of 03.22.2006: 21 US Casualties / 1.05 per day
02.2006: 55 US Casualties / 2.07 per day
01.2006: 62 US Casualties / 2.06 per day
12.2005: 68 US Casualties / 2.19 per day
11.2005: 84 US Casualties / 2.87 per day
10.2005: 96 US Casualties / 3.19 per day
So the way I read those numbers is that the US Military has Improved Casualties
in Iraq for our Troops from over (3) a day to (1) a day in (6) Months.
If Casualties Increase from (1) a day to (3) a day, I Guarantee that the "Free
Press" will NOT Ignore that as they have this (6) Decline.
Instead, the "Free Press" is Focusing on Iraqi Casualties, because Negativity is
the Product they Sell, and they Sell it well when an (R) is @ 1600.
Was the "Free Press" not Parroting the DemocRATS calls for the Iraqis to start
taking Responsibility for their Country and start carrying more of the
So that's what's happening, as the numbers Prove, and yet the "Free Press"
continues to Paint only a Picture of Failure in Iraq.
There will not continue to be the same Drive to Attack Iraqis as there is to
Attack our Soldiers, and this will Eventually Remedy itself WITH our Assistance,
and that has been the Plan all along.
As you go through your day today and continue to hear the Drone of Failure and
Death in Iraq from the "Free Press", remember, there are Improvements, and one
of them is our Casualty Rate, the #1 Concern for Americans according to almost
every Poll I have read regarding Iraq II...
Down from (3) a day to (1) day in (6) Months.
If the "Free Press" Focused on this instead of giving Aid and Comfort to our
Enemy with this Constant Drone of Negativity since the Fall of Baghdad, this
"Insurgency" might not have the Strength or Confidence it currently has.
Maybe the "Free Press" could try Positivity regarding the Side that Affords them
the First Amendment they are Abusing, just to see what happens in Iraq when our
Enemy is not Bolstered and Sympathized with by them.
Until then, I would Assume our Enemy is Enjoying the Current Coverage from
America's "Free Press"... Why wouldn't they?...
After all, according to
Elected DemocRATS and the "Free Press" that Parrots them, our Soldiers are
Comparable to the Nazis and even the Terrorists they Fight, isn't that Correct,
Senator Durbin (D)?... Senator Kerry (D)?...
Who's Side are you on?
tha malcontent
(All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is
based in the Truth. No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists,
Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise!
tha malcontent)
This web site is designed,
maintained and edited by tha malcontent...
"what have you done for Liberty
is protected speech pursuant to the First Amendment to the
Constitution of the United States and is faithfully enforced by
tha malcontent
via the Second Amendment to that same Constitution. Any reproduction or
redistribution of this article will be seen as an awakening of a Patriot in this
Great Republic by
tha malcontent,
and subsequently applauded!
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tha malcontent... The Original
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