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a malcontent rant 03.23.2004



Bush (43) Missed Warnings... Clinton Ignored Attacks


By tha malcontent (Direct Descendent of the Founding Fathers! - tha malcontent)
ap/afp Editor in Chief
March 23, 8:47 ET


(ap) - Bush (43) Failed to respond Militarily to "warnings", Clinton Failed to respond Militarily to "attacks", starting with the first al Qaeda attack on the World Trade Center in his first year, on February 26, 1993.

Bush (43) had one attack on our interests by al Qaeda in his first year, and then none the subsequent years of his Presidency to date.

Clinton had at least four al Qaeda attacks on our interests, starting with Yousef and Mohammed in 1993 when they Failed to collapse the Towers, but still took Civilian American Life on our soil, and finally with the attack by al Qaeda on the USS Cole in 2000, all under Clinton's watch.

The difference between the Presidents is two-fold regarding attacks by al Qaeda, specifically against the World Trade Center...

1.) Bush (43) visited the World Trade Center site in 2001 and the Families and Victims.

2.) Bush (43) responded by engaging the War on Terror that was started long ago, and extended it beyond Afghanistan to Terrorist supporting Iraq, and finally "finished the job" as the Left always loves to accuse Bush (41) of not doing in regard to Saddam and Iraq.

By contrast...

1.) Clinton did not visit the World Trade Center site in 1993, nor the Families and Victims.

2.) Clinton did not engage the War on Terror that was started long ago, instead he used bad intelligence to bomb Pharmaceutical factories, rejected offers to take bin Laden because, as he stated, there was no Justification for detaining him, and dealt with Saddam for 500 Cruise Missiles or so at the peak of Impeachment.

Nothing I have said here is False, so I would appreciate recognition of these Facts, as opposed to "Bush is a dumb Liar who was AWOL from the Guard", as a response...

For those of you on the Left who think you have the huevos, of course.



tha malcontent

(All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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