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a malcontent rant 04.13.2010



ObamaInc with Assistance from is giving Supporters Tax Assistance


By tha malcontent
ap/afp Editor in Chief
April 15... 7:30 AM MST

(ap) - From my Latest e-mail from ObamaInc:

How much could you save on your taxes?

Did you know that the average tax refund is up nearly 10% -- about $3,000 -- this year? And that there are more than a dozen Recovery Act tax cuts that over 100 million Americans can take advantage of this tax season?

See how much you could save thanks to the Recovery Act. Organizing for America | | See how much you could save thanks to the Recovery Act

Together, in February 2009, we passed the Recovery Act -- taking our economy from the brink of disaster to the road to recovery, and keeping President Obama's campaign promise of giving 95% of working Americans a tax cut.

Now, it's tax season, and there are more than a dozen ways the Recovery Act is helping folks save -- credits for new homeowners, help with saving for college, and rewards for making your home more energy efficient.

After you find out how much you can save, make sure your family and friends can do the same by forwarding this email:

Organizing for America | | See how much you could save thanks to the Recovery Act

(^Why is that Piggybacking the Official White House Site...)



tha malcontent



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