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a malcontent rant 04.27.2010



Modern Definitions from the Liberal Dictionary


By tha malcontent
ap/afp Editor in Chief
April 27... 5:30 AM MST

(ap) - It was LONG Overdue to Compile a List of Words that are Victims of Newspeak by the Left, so here it is... And it may be added to from Time to Time:

1.) Racist: Someone who is Winning an Argument against a Liberal on just about ANY Subject.

2.) Humanitarian:
a.) A Person who wants to Save the Planet at the Expense of Humanity.
b.) Viewing Christian Missionaries as Terrorists and Religious Oppressors while seeing Islamic Jihadists as Freedom Fighters and Liberators.
c.) Supporter of Abortion "Rights".

3.) Charity: Laws that Force people to give the Fruits of their Labors to the Unproductive who simply Vote for Liberals.

4.) Greatness: Measured in an Individual based on Intentions as Opposed to Results.

5.) Homophobe: Someone who is Winning an Argument against a Liberal on the Expansion of Marriage or Teaching Sexual Deviancy to Children in Schools. (Also illustrated when Homosexuality is used as a Pejorative, like when a Pro-Gay Activist calls someone they Disagree with on Policy or Law a "Closet Case".)



tha malcontent



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