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a malcontent rant 04.30.2010



AP from the "Mouth of the Mississippi River!"


By tha malcontent
ap/afp Editor in Chief
April 29... 07:35 AM MST

(ap) - Classic AP Emoting:
Document: BP didn't plan for major oil spill

Associated Press Writers Apr 30, 11:03 PM EDT

MOUTH OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER (AP) - British Petroleum once downplayed the possibility of a catastrophic accident at an offshore rig that exploded, causing the worst U.S. oil spill in decades along the Gulf Coast and endangering shoreline habitat.

Letters to the Editor - Voice of San Diego


It's BP's Fault!...

Not the Governor of LA... The Mayor of NO and his Buses... Not the Army Corp of Engineers!...


Did the AP just Report from the Mouth of a ****ing River?...

Remember Kids... As this gets Lost in the Noise... It was Obama who Expanded Off Shore Drilling...



tha malcontent



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Don't do what you're polled to do!� 


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'Si vis pacem Para Bellum'


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