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a malcontent rant 05.16.2009



Are Liberal Newspapers Suffering from Karma?


By tha malcontent
ap/afp Editor in Chief
May 16, 4:45 AM MST

(ap) - Are Liberal Newspapers Suffering from Karma? Let's look at the Facts...

1.) Instead of moving away from Raping the forests and creating more and more Waste in the form of printing newspapers, they have continued to this day to do just that, while Preaching the DemocRAT/Liberal line on those very pages that we as Americans carry the brunt of the Guilt for the Damage done by Deforestation...

But they Recycle... And, and, and they purchase Carbon Credits, so there!

2.) Instead of Embracing the Capitalism that has fueled their industry for as long as it has Existed, they have **** all over Capitalism in the form of Bias News Stories, and Editorial Pages that would make Marx and Stalin smile, and only now, as they "wither on the vine", do they attempt to Charge all of the online Liberals they have Fostered to Hate Capitalism, for the online content they have been giving away for Free since they went online.

Memo to the "Free Press": Your little Foot Soldiers aren't going to Embrace Capitalism anymore than an Islamist who has Memorized the Quran since Childhood is going to Denounce Allah...

You broke them... You own them. You and the Teacher's Unions and the LimoLibs in Congress who Golf on courses that could house the Homeless the Lib Politicians are always using as Props to get Re-Elected.

3.) Your Dishonest and Self-serving theme of "Speaking Truth to Power" will now come home to roost...

You and your Party ARE the Power now...

If you Think you are going to get the Drones you have Created to suddenly Embrace all of the things the Evil Dubya was doing when he was President, simply because a "good looking and well spoken" Halfrican American is selling it, then you have Misunderestimated the little Monsters you have Created...

1968 can still happen again...

In 1964, LBJ was a Popular President...

1994 can still happen again...

After all, in 1992 Clinton won in a "Mandate", didn't he?...

3/3 Control and then...

We shall see, but MeThinks we are Observing a Paper Tiger in the form of the new Majority in Washington, and it's Cheerleaders might not really Know what they have done by giving them this Power.

Time will tell.




tha malcontent



~ Have an Opinion?... Then e-mail me @ Contact the ap and Sound off like ya got a Pair!

(All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


Don't do what you're polled to do!� 


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