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a malcontent rant 06.09.2005



You know you are a Liberal when...


By tha malcontent (Direct Descendent of the Founding Fathers! - tha malcontent)
ap/afp Editor in Chief
June 9, 09:02 ET

(ap) - You know you are a Liberal when...

You can find no Legal Justification for taking bin Laden from the Sudanese when Offered, but you CAN find Legal Justification to Bomb Arab Medicine Factories in an attempt to Kill him during your Impeachment.

You Support the unborn Chicken's Right to Life, but see the unborn Human as a "Choice" based in Convenience for the Female carrying the Child.

You Hated the Electoral Vote in 2000, but wanted to rig one State in your Favor in 2004 in an attempt to Win the Electoral Vote after Losing that State, and the National Popular Vote by 51-48%.

You Feel like Nixon was Impeached, but Clinton was not.

You Feel like Clinton's Impeachment "ordeal" was no more than an Affair, not the Sexual Abuse of a Unpaid Subordinate Intern half his age, in Violation of his own Law, while discussing Troop Deployment in his "Nation Building" Adventure in Bosnia with a Congressman on the phone, in the White House, and then "Willfully Lying under Oath" about it to a Federal Court.

You want Tom Delay Imprisoned for what Babs Boxer has Admitted to doing also, yet what Barney Frank did with a Male Prostitute was not even worthy of the Reprimand he was given, and Ted Kennedy leaving a Woman for Dead, then Hiding in his Family's Compound for a day is no more than "old news", and we should all "get over it already".

You think that Clinton's dealing with Terrorism on his way out of Office in 2001 was just fine in the form of Commuting the Just Prison Sentence of his Golfing Buddy DemocRAT, Mel Reynolds (D-Ill), a Convicted Child Molester. Now there's another one loose on the streets!

You Deny that One Man and One Woman is the only Natural way to ProCreate Human Life, and is therefore the Definition of Human Marriage.

You Feel like Dan Rather (D) going after Bush (43)'s less than average final (2) years in the Air National Guard, using Obviously Forged Documents and a SINGLE known DemocRAT Activist Source, was a form of Objective Journalism, while Ignoring the VAST Majority of Kerry's fellow Officers who he Served and Bunked with him in Vietnam, because they were nothing but Bitter Partisans, was perfectly OK.

You want Prison for people who you feel Abuse animals, but Therapy for Humans who are Convicted of Rape and Murder of other Humans.

You Feel like the Middle starts with you.

You don't like to be called a Liberal.

You don't like admitting that the Sun is not only Hot, but also rises in the East, because Life cannot be that Black and White.

You agree with Promoting Deviant Lifestyles to Children, but find the Bible in that same venue Offensive.

OK, I'm done... For now!



tha malcontent

(All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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