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a malcontent rant 06.16.2011



The Presidency as a Raffle Prize... WTF?

By tha malcontent
ap/afp Editor in Chief June16,
10:45 AM MST

(ap) - From an e-mail from Barry: OK... So this didn't come with this e-mail, but it did back in January...

Dinner with the President (Or, Pimpin' the Presidency)

mal-mother****in-content --

I've worked for President Obama for almost five years -- but I've never actually sat down for dinner with him.

That's why I'm excited about (and maybe a little jealous of) the opportunity you have to join the President for dinner. He's going to sit down and swap stories over a meal with four supporters, and you could be one of them.

You should really give this a shot. Donate $30 or more today to be automatically entered for the chance to sit down for dinner with the President:

This isn't going to be a formal affair or a banquet for hundreds of guests.

It's just you, three other supporters, and President Obama, sitting down together for an evening among friends.

It's not often you get to talk to the President one on one about your hopes for the country and your ideas for this campaign. So I hope you'll put your name in the running.

Donate $30 today, and you'll be automatically entered for the chance to claim your seat the table:

Good luck,


Julianna Smoot
Deputy Campaign Manager
Obama for America

What a Shameless Hack...





tha malcontent




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'Si vis pacem Para Bellum'


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