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a malcontent rant 07.01.2005



The Collective DemocRAT is Guilty of Treason During Wartime

By tha malcontent (Direct Descendent of the Founding Fathers! - tha malcontent)
ap/afp Editor in Chief
July 1, 12:20 ET

(ap) - Focusing on the Deaths of our Soldiers, and the Potential Wrong Individuals may or may not do in Battle on Rare occasions, to the Exclusion of the Overwhelming Good they do is Treason, end of list.

From the "Free Press" comparing our Founders to Terrorists, going after a Wartime President with Politically Motivated, and Obviously Forged Documents, meant to Impugn him at Election time, and doing it while Conspiring with the Opposition Party (Kerry/Lockhart), while Virtually only Reporting on the 1,200 Combat Deaths we have Suffered taking a Country of 26,000,000 in two weeks, and then Fighting the Terrorists we Deliberately Baited there for the last 2 years, goes much further than lending Aid and Comfort to our Enemy, it is Morally Corrupt, Intellectually Dishonest, and the Worst kind of Treasonous Abuse of their Constitutional Power.

As far as I am Concerned, it's time for Congressional Hearings into the Left and it's Media, and then Criminal Trials.

Oh yes, I did.

I have had enough of NO Support for this War that the Left Voted Yea for, and who have Attacked it almost since day one after Voting for it.

I have had enough of 2 years of "This is another Vietnam", almost hoping that it will one day become a Border Babysitting Defensive that costs America 58,000 Lives.

I have had enough of the Left Hiding behind our Soldiers Deaths, and Swimming in their Blood simply because they are Bitter about Impeachment, the 2000 Elections, and the Subsequent Losses at the Polls they continue to Suffer, all based in a Hatred for the Opposition Party that finds it's Roots in Richard Nixon, who did not start Vietnam, but in Fact Ended it.

Historically, this is one of the most Successful Wars in Man's History considering that 150,000 Americans, along with the Allies, were all that was needed to take a Country of 26,000,000 with a standing Army in about 2 weeks.

I have also had enough of the Lies, Disinformation and the Filth about al Qaeda, WMD and Terrorist Harboring on the part of Saddam.

Saddam Harbored Terrorists, including al Qaeda Terrorists, and to Deny this, is to Deny Reality.

Saddam had WMD and Banned Long Range Missiles in 109 Facilities before the UN was Ousted, and this was Documented by the UN, and French and German Intelligence Agreed with the Bush (43) Administration and US Intelligence on the other WMD issues.

Those are Missing... This does not mean, as Dishonest Leftists continue to Regurgitate, that they did not Exist.

Stop Lying DemocRATS, you are getting Marines Killed with your Lies, just as John Kerry (D-VC) did back in the Nam with his Lies to the Senate about Atrocities he neither Witnessed, nor took part in.

This is not simply a Rant based in my Personal Frustration about the Continued Raping of the Truth and Facts by the anti-American Left... No, it is in all Honesty, what IS Factually and this has needed to be said since Uncle Tom Dash(o)le (D) started backstabbing this War on Terror in March of 2002, a year before the "Iraq Weapon" was even known.

Nothing I have said above is False, and the Fact that the Left can only Evade, Distract or Lie in Response to it, is a Testament to what it is really Wrong with them in the Modern Day.

Let the Dishonesty begin...

Or maybe, just maybe, for ONCE, some on the Left can come in here, Compliment our Soldiers for the Job they are doing, ADMIT that they are NOT Collectively Responsible for what a very FEW of them have done Criminally, and that we are doing FAR more good than we are being shown every night in the �Free Press� to be doing in Iraq.

Maybe some on the Left could pay Tribute to our Fallen in the other Front of this War, Enduring Freedom, for once.

Maybe some could Admit that losing 1,200 Soldiers in Combat in the taking of a Country of 26,000,000 and the Subsequent (2) years of fighting Terrorists from around the Globe in that same Venue, is Historically the most Bloodless Action we have ever Engaged in considering the Totality of the Mission.

Maybe some could Admit that Comparisons of our 1,700+ total Losses in the Taking of Iraq, and Subsequent War with Terrorists there for (2) years, to the 58,000 we Lost Border Babysitting in a Defensive Action in Southeast Asia, is not only Insulting to Vietnam Veterans, but also Insulting to Iraq II Soldiers, and more Importantly, Dangerous to their Mission.

But I can only Hope, that at some point in time, the Elected DemocRATS and their Voters, will start Supporting the War THEY Authorized.

Start being Honest, DemocRATS, our Soldiers are Depending on you for Success.

They cannot Win this if you continue giving al Jazeera Material to Broadcast to our Enemies that is little more than Sympathy towards our Enemies and Disdain for our Troops and their Mission and it�s Leader whom YOU gave this Authorization to in the first place!

Please, Think about this and try to Eliminate your Hatred for POTUS before Responding.

Every DemocRAT that Voted to Authorize Force in Iraq is Equally Culpable with the President, no more, and no less, and that�s nearly ALL of them.

But where the Left is Guilty Exclusively, is to have Authorized our Troops to go to Battle, and then so quickly turn on the Mission they Assisted in becoming a Reality� This also includes some RINO�s and John McCain, to be Fair.

Let�s get together on this, and get it over with by Winning, instead of what you hope, which is another Embarrassment like the Vietnam you and the Kerry�s of the DemocRAT Party helped to Create with Lies, and an Abject Lack of Support for our �Baby-killing� Soldiers, as you Leftists called them then, and as you more likely than not Feel about our Soldiers today.

I can hear it with every, �what about the Iraqi Children our Troops have killed� TRIPE, coupled with, �we are as bad as the Terrorists we are Unconstitutionally holding at Gitmo� FILTH�

I can just hear the Filth from the Left in WWII if they were allowed, and the tables were turned Politically... "What about the German Women and Children that FDR is Mudering in his Napoleonistic Rampage in Europe?"

That's it, I�m done.




tha malcontent

(All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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