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a malcontent rant 07.10.2008



Maybe Barry was Talking about Je$$e in his Bill Cosby Speech


By tha malcontent
ap/afp Editor in Chief
July 10, 5:20 PM MST

(ap) - Do you Think Je$$e Said what he Said because of Barry's Bill Cosby Speech Recently?...

I Mean, Barry was Talking to Seed Dropping, Cheating Irresponsible Blacks...

Like his own Father... And Je$$e...

I Think Je$$e Doesn't Like Barry for a Number of Reasons...

Including that Je$$e Feels he is Owed this for all of his Race Pimping over the Years, and then this Halfrican with Muslim Roots Pulls a Black JFK on him and Steals any "Hope" Je$$e has of Ever Really Mattering...

Your Day has Passed Je$$e... Maybe you should just School this Young Buck and have that as your Legacy...

It's either that or getting to Know Barry's White Grandma as you Reside Under the Bus with her and the others! ;)

~ Have an Opinion?... Then e-mail me @ and Sound off like ya got a Pair!



tha malcontent

(All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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tha malcontent... The Original Gangster of the Pajamahidin


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'Si vis pacem Para Bellum'


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