� in association with the Liberty Project� presents |� Rant July 28 2005 |
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a Never Nuanced rant� 07.28.2005
Thank you Judge Coughenour
Never Nuanced
Descendent of the Founding Fathers! - tha malcontent)
(ap) - Thank you Judge Coughenour, for reminding us just how important electing George Bush; thus allowing him to nominate the next round of SCOTUS judges was.
In the latest edition of liberal ignorance, the good judge felt a mere 22 years would suffice for a man who was intent on killing hundreds if not thousands of American citizens.
Charles Grainger received nearly one third that amount of time for humiliating prisoners at Abu-Gras. We have nearly reached the point where such idiocy is expected out of our left leaning court members in today�s society.
In what appears to be
less, a sentence based on the crime, instead based on Bush bashing, the judge
went out of his way to point out all of the apparent issues he has with the
Patriot act, when handing down his sentence.
For my part, I could care less what he thinks about the act, I�m far more concerned about the message sent when a terrorist intent on killing hundreds or thousands, merits a mere 14 years more than humiliating terrorist prisoners out killing American soldiers.
In the end, faced with a monumental decision, of which the full impact may not be realized for many years down the road, the American electorate spoke in record numbers 11-2-2004 re-electing George Bush, providing another 4 years to clean up the mess.
I can�t help but think that as we daily lose more and more of America�s greatest generation, by today�s liberal standards, they would be simple war criminals, confusing the likes of Dick Durbin, with the very Nazi�s they fought.
What Judge Coughenour, seems to have missed in his rant against the tactics and legislation used to fight the war on terror is this, Ahmed Ressam; went to trial, as opposed to Nick Berg or Dan Pearl, who weren�t afforded such a luxury, instead having their heads cut off in a show of animalistic heathenism.
I, like most Americans, believe the trial, be it secret, open, federal or military, puts us far above the enemy, and in no need of this Judges ridiculous sentence of appeasement. Thank you Judge Coughenour, for reminding us just how important electing George Bush was.
Don't do what you're polled to do!� |
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