� in association with the Liberty Project� presents |� Rant Aug 9 2005 |
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a malcontent rant� 08.09.2005
Err Amerika Circa Early 40's...
tha malcontent
Descendent of the Founding Fathers! - tha malcontent)
Germany didn't Attack us...
How many more German Civilians have to die?...
How many more Japanese?...
Japan is only Justly Reacting to our Oppressive and Immoral Foreign Policy...
There needs to be an Investigation into the Treatment of American Japanese at the Internment Camps...
FDR and his Project for a New American 20th Century always wanted to get into Europe's War, regardless of what the Polls said the American People wanted, and he simply Baited the Japanese to Attack us by stationing a Massive amount of Military near them at Pearl Harbor, and then tightening the Global Economic Noose on them...
The Japanese had no Choice...
We have lost 1800 Soldiers in Training Mishaps...
Hundreds of Thousands in Combat...
Carpet Bombing is a Violation of Human Rights...
The A-bomb is the ultimate example of America's Tyranny...
The Japanese don't want our form of Government, they don't want nor understand Democracy...
How long is the Occupation of Japan and Germany going to last?...
When will we give them their Sovereignty back?...
Sure Hitler is a bad guy, buuuuuuuuuuuuut...
FDR and his Brain, Truman, LIED TO US... THEY PLAYED ON OUR FEARS!..."
Don't do what you're polled to do!� |
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