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a malcontent rant 09.14.2004




Did Kerry "Aid the Enemy" in the Early 70's?


By tha malcontent (Direct Descendent of the Founding Fathers! - tha malcontent)
ap/afp Editor in Chief
September 14, 00:01 ET

Chicago Sun-Times "What could that more than 100 pages contain? Questions have been raised about President Bush's drill attendance in the reserves, but Bush received his honorable discharge on schedule. Kerry, who should have been discharged from the Navy about the same time -- July 1, 1972 -- wasn't given the discharge he has on his campaign Web site until July 13, 1978. What delayed the discharge for six years? This raises serious questions about Kerry's performance while in the reserves that are far more potentially damaging than those raised against Bush."


Now that we have Established that J. Forbes Kerry was still a Commission Officer at the time of his Senate Hearings that brought on his Accusations of War Crimes Against his Fellow Soldier, let's look at another part of his Testimony, Under Oath:



Mr. KERRY. Mr. Chairman, I realize that full well as a study of political science. I realize that we cannot negotiate treaties and I realize that even my visits in Paris, precedents had been set by Senator McCarthy and others, in a sense are on the borderline of private individuals negotiating, et cetera. I understand these things. But what I am saying is that I believe that there is a mood in this country which I know you are aware of and you have been one of the strongest critics of this war for the longest time. But I think if we can talk in this legislative body about filibustering for porkbarrel programs, then we should start now to talk about filibustering for the saving of lives and of our country. [Applause.]"



Let's evaluate Kerry's hinting at meeting with the Enemy in Paris, as it relates to U.S. Code, and Military Law, shall we?...

U.S. code 18 U.S.C. 953. "A U.S. citizen cannot go abroad and negotiate with a foreign power"...

What's more interesting is that he was a Commissioned Officer until 1978...

That means he was technically Violating Military Law at the same time.

From what I have heard, that penalty can include the Firing Squad.


#904. ART. 104. AIDING THE ENEMY  Any person who--

(1) aids, or attempts to aid, the enemy with arms, ammunition, supplies, money, or other things; or

(2) without proper authority, knowingly harbors or protects or gives intelligence to or communicates or corresponds with or holds any intercourse with the enemy, either directly or indirectly;

shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial or military commission may direct."

Oh yeah, I guess I heard correctly...

Someone should ask J. Forbes to Clarify his Testimony for us.

He was a Commissioned Officer, after all, and that would be a very Serious Crime if he had Contacted the Enemy, either "Directly", or "Indirectly"...

A Crime that is Punishable by Death in the Military.

Nah!... Let's continue to call Bush (43) a Mediocre Guardsman. just as the mainstream media is telling us too!

Let me know why someone potentially pulling strings to lighten Bush (43)'s 5 1/2 years of Guard Service is important again?...


And when is Katie (D) and Matt (D) going to have Coffee with Kerry's Fellow Officers from Vietnam?...


Dan Rather (D)?...


That's what I thought!


tha malcontent

(All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


Don't do what you're polled to do!� 


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