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a malcontent rant 10.04.2003



Griese, McNabb, Rush, Byrd and Racism

By tha malcontent (Direct Descendent of the Founding Fathers! - tha malcontent)
ap/afp Editor in Chief
October 4, 10:40 ET

Griese V. McNabb and Objective Media Coverage in Regard to Race

Currently, McNabb is the 3rd worst rated Quarterback in the NFL, with ZERO TD's, and 3 INT's, coming off of one of the worst upsets in NFL History last year at the final game at the Vet against Tampa Bay in the NFC Championship, a team that had previously never won in those conditions.

Last year, at Game 8, Griese was leading the 6-2 Denver Broncos, and was one of the highest rated Quarterbacks in the NFL.

The difference, McNabb is not being crucified by the media after how many years of not proving himself?, and after his patently PISS-POOR play so far this season, while Griese was crucified on a daily basis from game one, to game 8 last year when his team was 6-2 and he was highly rated.

Is this because of Color?... Maybe.

Is it Racism to ask the question?... If you are a White Conservative man, it is.

To ask whether or not the media is hoping and wishing that a Black QB will do well, or that maybe Guilty White Liberals are incapable of criticizing Blacks in any capacity, even when it is as obvious as McNabb's play this season, is not Racist.

Why is the Left so Hysterical when a Conservative addresses Race?

I think the answer to that question is self-evident, considering the obviousness of the evidence at hand.

Rush V. Byrd and the Subject of Racism

Rush Limbaugh was hired by ESPN to be who he is. What he said was an opinion, based on evidence that he has observed, an opinion, in Fact, that Michael Irving, a Black man, agreed with, and the "Free Press" finds hard to let you know about.

Rush has been the focus of severe media scrutiny now for days over these comments, coupled with the opportunistic National Enquirer story about the Drug issue, which is still speculation, so I will save my views of that until it is more than speculation.

DemocRAT Senator, Robert "T.a.W.N." Byrd, a former Grand Kleagle of the KKK, Segregationist, and known Racist, in his official capacity, on the public airwaves, 2 short years ago, said the following, in regard to Race relations in this country:


The leading "Free Press" outlet, the AP, ran one Main Wire story on Byrd's patently RACIST comments in his official capacity, and the only thing they had to ask was "why", and Byrd's spokes people said he was "tired", and as far as the "objective" media was concerned, that was all that needed to be said on the subject.

What I am about to say may sound redundant, but considering the media's redundant coverage of Lott, as compared with the almost no coverage of Byrd, and of course with what will dwarf both in this Rush story, I would hope you would indulge my redundancy, as you do the media's when they are attempting to Lynch a Conservative.

With Trent Lott, the AP ran Wire stories for over 2 weeks straight, TIME magazine went back to his college days in a Cover story to ponder his potential early racist days, all over a comment at a Birthday Party that has to be explained a certain way, to even sound remotely racist.

Byrd (D), on the other hand, for such obviously RACIST comments, is allowed to use "exhaustion" as a excuse, and the press moves on.

DemocRATS are given a free pass on these things, even when it is as bad as Byrd (D) saying, "THERE ARE WHITE NIGGERS", and REPUBLICans are Lynched over comments that need a paragraphs of explanation of why they are Racist, even if the people who said these things assert that what they are accused of, is not what they meant, is harped on daily in a thinly veiled attempt to paint the perception of Racism, where one did not exist before.

These "explanations" of why REPUBLICan statements are "Racist", are brought to you by the "Free Press", by the way...

That should be your first clue.

The Senior DemocRAT in the Senate, and former Grand Kleagle of the KKK, says, "THERE ARE WHITE NIGGERS", in his official capacity, on the public airwaves, and it is worthy of only one Wire story, and no public apology, but Trent Lott is forced, after weeks of "Free Press" attacks, to resign his Leadership of the Senate...

What did Trent Lott say again?...

That's what I thought.

Had the "Free Press" spent 2 weeks repeating "THERE ARE WHITE NIGGERS" and ran a TIME cover story about Robert Byrd's (D) KKK days, as they did with the quote of Trent Lott that you cannot remember, do you think he would still be the Senior DemocRAT in the Senate?

One more thing, had the LA Times spent as much time investigating Governor Gray Davis, and the pathetic job he had done as Governor, before last November, as they have done endorsing and supporting Davis in this recall, while digging up dirt on the Terminator and his "fondling", maybe this "recall" issue could have been settled last year.... You know, with those Racist voting machines that got Gray in twice.


tha malcontent

(All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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